Sombra is the only dps hero I cant stand

The only two damage heroes I enjoy playing rn are Sombra and Pharah. MAYBE Ashe and Cass if I just want to practice sniper type aim without having to play Widow and be useless since I’m not a human aimbot.

lol ok twenty characters

95% of players have potato reaction time.

95% of teammates do not peel.

This is true at least.

Strong response. Really got your point across.


When i play Tracer, i like flanking the backline together with Sombra. And if we have a doomfist as well, their Zen/Ana will not have a fun time XD

Our backline probably won’t either, as we pretty much leave them to fend for themselves.


The incompetent devs ruined Sombra due to going 5v5. Ever since OW2 there has been complaints regarding Sombra - and the ironic thing is she has never actually been objectively strong. Even when people were screaming she was OP, she was barely on any top 500 leaderboard DPS slots.

I wrote a big paragraph but I can’t be bothered. TLDR: every single change to Sombra in OW2 were to adapt her to 5v5, which then caused issues she never had in 6v6 OW1. It’s almost like OW2 5v5 was a big mistake that screwed over many heroes, especially evident with sombra.

She feels boring to play. and for people who are casual she feels frustrating to play against.


I see that plenty. Tank + dps play dive, supports don’t, and the supports complain.

“Meh DiVe teAmMaTes arE dIvInG and wOnT PeEl. DEy sUcK wHoA is mE”

:laughing: Sucks to suck :rofl:


there is something to sombra nowadays or after her virus rework. probably has the most hate threads of any hero after that virus rework. probably on other social platforms too like reddit

surprised the devs havnt reworked her again. i am sure it will happen someday lol

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I just wish to know how much hate would go away if they just did something about spawn camping sombra.

you can spawn camp with a lot of heroes. i use to get spawn camped by a ton of heroes as widow especially lucio.

i think its part of the game tho. only way to prevent spawn camping is to make dead zones but that may be a bit silly

with sombra yea its limited timers on stealth and her other abilities but to balance her she would probalby have to do way more damage

i dont know :man_shrugging:

Her rework was made by someone, who hate supports.

Yeah but even widow spawn camping isn’t as bad as sombra spawn camping. And it’s turning into something where trolls just do it all game long.

That is a bold take on a hero with the lowest winrate in game.

Yeah, Sombra is in a lot of games and the irony is the hero has a very poor win rate but players who play the hero think they are providing value when all they are doing is making the game less fun for everyone - annoying the enemy team and soft throwing on their own team.

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Ya i do get comps like that once in a while and if the sombra is good we do generally stomp.

but majority of the time you wont believe the kind of sombra’s i get.

Like it has nothing to do with the character, its the players

Like the other day a mccree is walking from spawn we were flanking together and the sombra pinged standing literally behind him, so i engaged hoping it will give opening for sombra, i was dodging weaving 3 blinks in and the sombra decides to reengage, by this time i killed the cree.

But all the while my mind was like were is the sombra, cause i was playing more in the open cause i expected the sombra to shoot as well.

I do get good ones from time to time and its a breeze to play with but most of the time its hair pulling.

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Frankly up here in high elo Id sooner see Venture removed than Sombra.

Sombra is the only DPS character that can actually do anything about Hammond/Doom considering McCree nade just isnt enough without its ability to interrupt channels like Power Block.

Plus her players are typically garbage.

The reason Id sooner get rid of Venture though is because shes frankly a failure of game design, as Blizzard seems to continue making characters that only fit inside of a 6v6 frame work despite the 5v5 shift in characters like Mauga and Venture.

Venture is a hyper specialist in a game now designed such that generalists are king. Blizzard, knowing this, has given this character insane amounts of damage when in range, with insanely talentless combos with TTKS so low its like she just didnt get the memo about S9 and it turns her into an overpowered mess.

I do not care if it doesnt find success, I care that when it manages to get in range it takes zero skill to pilot and is impossible to beat without being very specific characters. These kind of power peaks and troughs with zero skill requirement is disgusting game design and is such an overwhelming failure it needs gone reworked or gone.

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Yes she does, shes in every single freaking game since I enjoy playing hanzo. It takes only one kill and people instantly crutch on sombra. I can understand people crutchi g in sombra in Gm to deal with widow because yeah widow is consistent and oppressive but a hanzo? Come on. Hanzo is already bad enough without the one shot, takes 3 body shots for kills and storm arrows kill slower than a Cassidy landing 2 headshots. Which of course is not hard for Cassidy players to land in GM. Im just trying to vibe and yes I can outplay everyone but is sombra really necessary? People rather just go use cheesy heroes for easy counters instead of simply outplaying other people, much less one of the worst dps in the current meta.

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Ya it’s become almost a trope with most dps that will swap when they are diffed it’s basically pharah sombra widow bastion sometimes all of them in the same match :joy:

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