Sombra is officially useless now. Thanks. šŸ¤¬

Itā€™s beyond comprehension. Did they really think these changes would at all be positively received?


ā€œHow could they possibly make Sombra worseā€ I thought to myself as of yesterday.

Oh, thatā€™s howā€¦


Honest question, as someone who doesnā€™t play Sombraā€“would it be a significant buff if they scrapped these proposed changes and made invisibility no longer end when she takes damage?


At this point, it would be a significant buff to scrap these changes.


Right, butā€¦what if they did that too?

I mean, if not doing these changes is a significant buff, then not doing these changes AND adding a buff would be more of a buffā€¦ I wasnā€™t even being sarcastic about it.

Congratulations you seem to know more about Sombra than the devsā€¦

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Blizzard needs to hire you stat.

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You guys donā€™t want to be knocked out of hide when hit? What the heck.

Hey look another heroe that blizzard managed to ruined completely for me. First it was lucio, then ana and now, well done blizzard.

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Itā€™s so bad lmao. Infinite stealth is cool, but so what if with the slower speed bonus you canā€™t make many jumps and youā€™re easier to track down in tight corridors like the buildings on Numbani - if thereā€™s an enemy there, thereā€™s no way youā€™ll get past without getting spotted now. So much for playing ā€œmore easily as an infiltratorā€.

Hell, even if those things did make her better instead of nerfing her, they would still make her better at, you know, not fighting the enemy. Combat wise you can still forget about outdamaging Brigitteā€™s armor regeneration, not to mention killing her, thatā€™s far beyond Sombraā€™s reach, and in general participating in the fight in an impactful way.

The way I see it? Revert most of the changes. Seriously, for a semi-skilled Sombra player positioning is not a problem even without infinite stealth. Just give her gun more damage. And a suppressor. I really want her gun to have a suppressor. Just because it fits the character. Her gun is too loud anyway.

Also where are all the bug fixes for Sombra they were talking about? Anyone?


she can play like tracer in the back lines, and constantly harass going in and out of stealth drawing attention, she can ALWAYS be where she needs to be for the key hacks she needs. my team just ran scrims with new sombra and she tore the enemy team apart because the second they didnā€™t look for her, she was killing someone.

These are hardcore nerfs, it just lowers Sombraā€™s skill ceiling and makes her worse, period. I agree, these changes are awful and should NOT be put to live



Oh yeah, she can totally play like Tracer, except that Tracer can deal damage lmao

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I mean have you tried them out? Theyā€™re a blast. Iā€™m a sombra main. Also do you know how much more often you can get your EMP now?

What theā€¦?

All these nerfs to a hero whoā€™s already very niche, sort of weak? WHY :disappointed_relieved: This is so disappointing.


silvers were having a hard time getting into good positions
silvers were having a hard time selecting targets for hack

They just slowed down sombras ability to gain value by about %25, since now she takes longer to get back to get value, standard Sombra play of stealth in harass and trans out, now takes that much long since she that much slower.
Thats not including her lesser value of not contesting point now.

Itā€™s a joke

lol yall are just like the sym mains ā€œits not what I wanted its not goodā€

same to you look up. shes better now.

Random damage can now disable all her abilities, except her ult (unless she is killed when she pops it)
-hack 1 damage
-cloak 1 damage
-translocator 5 damage


They should revert the nerfs