Sombra is not fine. Change my mind

Which is fairly standard as a cooldown for any ability use, including near instant-fatality combo abilities.

In the wider context, Hack is actually a pretty bad ability as something that “can be a death sentence with a whole team follow up”, compared to “stuff that actually just kills you outright”.

Everyone asks who is Sombra, but no one asks how is Sombra?

This is so sad can we hit 10 likes?


I’ll do you one better: why is Sombra?


I get the Avengers reference, but the answer is that she’s central to the game’s lore. The gameplay developers just hate her.

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Can we get a RIP in the chat?

I really don’t care that Sombra is F-tier atm… if they made her good as well they might as well just add all the heroes to HoTS and delete OW as a game.

After she was buffed, you still barely saw her. She is fine to be viable, and if you don’t want that, you just hate sombra.

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Wow, what a rational response.

They patched in the delay fairly quickly and I have a couple of friends who absolutely abused her during the time she didn’t have the delay.

It would be better off as a full MOBA with all the CC…

Abused her how? 20 charters.

1 tricking her to gain a lot of SR because of how good she was. Sombra META was actually a thing in higher ranks.

Post as of a few minutes ago from Scott says:

At least that’s a step in the right direction.

No, it didn’t exist. Nothing showed that it existed. People like you just made that up to get her nerfed. She was statistically not OP, if anything, her stats showed her being UP.

It was pretty obvious that it was a thing when you actually played the game in the higher ranks.

With that below average pickrate. Sure.
Now, of course she is going to have a large pick rate immediately after a buff, and she did. But people didn’t notice that it started falling very rapidly back to where it came from, and then the nerfs hit, and now we have this. Even in GM.

Okay… guess we are just going to ignore that the pros actually started playing without tanks during their scrims while Sombra was OP.

And I guess we’re going to ignore that in actual pro games, the sombra team lost most of the time or she got switched off.

No he raises a legit point actually. People are caring about the lore more than gameplay, which is what kills games. Sombra needs to be fixed, but people seem to care more about LGBT heroes (lore-wise, again) than fixing problems in the game itself.

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More than half the cast have CC, and have had CC since the launch of the game. Why are you now surprised that there is CC in the game? Why is this now a problem?