Sombra is not okay. Every sombra main have faced these problems -
She is the most unreliable hero
She has tons of core kit-breaking bugs
Her kit can be denied just by taking 1 hit of ANY damage (even 0 is fine).
She requires lots of effort to make impact. You can take any other DPS and have more impact with less effort.
She gets countered almost from every stunning ability.
Her reputation is so low in ow community so she became a troll pick.
Change my mind.
Look pal. I know it you are right, you know you are right. But devs? “We will watch closely and tune her accordingly” aka leave her in dumpster for year or to point where outcry to buff her is ear-explodingly loud.
Reads title: * Mission Impossible theme starts playing *
Now she’s becoming what Doomfist was after his rocket punch nerf, Sombra needs help
I don’t think even the most die-hard “Sombra’s hack is unfun” crowd can defend Sombra’s broken state atm. It’s just horrendous.
Sombra’s hack is so unfun. 4secs of rocket punch and 6secs of shield bash is fair and balance.
yeah right.
Saying Sombra’s hack is easy and doesn’t need to aim is even trolling now. With the LOS changed she has to track the enemy to hack or hack will just stop for no reason. And don’t even mention it will switch target in the middle of the hack.
Your hack starts on someone? Boop! Now you hack a healthpack.
The devs aren’t doing anything about Sombra, therefore she must be balanced. QED!
Sombra has 2 main problems.
she’s boring, 2/3 of her abilities are focused on repositioning aka doing nothing and only 20% of her gameplay is engaging.
2/3 of her abilities are focused on repositioning aka actively achieving nothing and balancing her around a primary and 1 other ability is apparently too difficult.
ht tps://
^^^ keep it alive and voice your opinion here, even link this topic in there anything to keep it bumped, most support we’ve ever gotten to get Dev attention
I think everybody agrees with you, nobody wants to change your mind, we just want to change Blizzard’s mind lol
Not true. If you think so you probably play her in the wrong manner. The teleporter and invisibility is a movement abbility, thats true, but the statement would imply that even soldieres biotic legs are just to run from fights, which is far from the truth.
Movement can be used in both ways. A fun strategy is to throw your translocator way up into the air, teleport and use the momentum of falling to turn invisible. While the enemy is is trying to figure out where you are, you already are behind their backs confusing them even more.
He… Is actually right…
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Too bad we can’t, cause Sombra is in a really bad spot right now
if she isnt played then we dont need to buff her because she dont exist
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I think Sombra is in a good spot right now personally. I think reducing her spread helped her a lot, and invisibility and translocater are super great for engaging and escaping. Hack is just fine in it’s current state because if it was harder to interrupt then people would be getting hacked 24/7 and that would be OP. I like sombra how she is now, she is a lot of fun and I get a fair amount of elims with her.
Shoot boy you see them pouty lips and mocha skin and say that Sombra aint fin… oh… ohhhh… you mean… ok.
I like her machine gun. Seriously though i dont get why she gets so much hate. She always seemed fine to me, like the evil / Talon version of Tracer.
Common misconception, but Hack does actually have an 8 second cooldown when successful. There is no 24/7 Hacking.
Every 8 seconds then. My bad.