"Sombra is meta because she is being used in the Contenders"

Bastion with his stationary gameplay?
Torbjorn with his turret (i mean relying too much on it)

Ye they’re all F-tier, but they’re even lower than sombra. So, yes, HUGE downsides, very close.

But her pickrate is insignificant at any rank. That means her winrate could be distorted, much like how Torb and Sym used to have winrates #1 and #2.

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Somewhere, someone has a picture of their winrates being higher than Sombra handy.

Well now we’re arguing in inches.

Winston needs comms almost as much as Sombra, and a Zen unable to ask for support is also at risk.

All heroes benefit from comms, and while Sombra loses a lot of her use when people aren’t listening to her, she’s not useless. I said a situation that “isn’t idea” not “is impossible.”

As I’ve said somewhere else: Sombra plays differently from every other hero in the game, and this selfish obsession to change her to fit people who want to be “Sombra mains” makes no sense to me.

If a hero isn’t in a state I enjoy, I don’t play them. This is the problem with making a single hero your identity.

This conversation is impossible though, because people are stubborn with who they play and I can’t change that.

I’m done.

So she takes a lot of skill? And the common plat Sombra forum poster thinks she’s really weak? This sounds like how Widowmaker mains were like prior to her being meta and basically dominating on it

You want to use Sombra as a viable hero? Easy clap, just become pro and join the contenders. 4head

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But still get forced to swap off her because they learned how to play against her.

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It because she has such a low pickrate, she should actually have higher winrates. A character is niche if they have a low pickrate and a high winrate. If a character has a low pickrate and winrate, they are just bad.


she has also low pickrates in gold silver and bronze and only 43% 40% and 35% winrate