Sombra is being revived 🌟 So We Thought

Wow, first Symmetra, then Reinhardt, and now finally sombra! Blizzard are really stepping up their game recently when it comes to fixing characters


Honestly the fact that they’ve finally broken their deafening silence on Sombra is reason enough to celebrate.


Sombra shall save us. Witness me.

“To make things even hack now applies random bugs to the enemy kit.”

As long as I’m not getting hacked behind walls and stuff I’m fine with a Sombra buff.

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Although I still think he could have apologized for messing up that last rushed nerf so badly… :sweat_smile:

Thanks for posting this dude! I would have never seen Jeff’s reply without this thread. If they fix Sombra’s bugs, she’s going to be so good!

Thank you for the Post. I’m really happy that we got a message by Jeff. Lets hope for good changes and I can’t wait to test her on the PTR!

Glad they’re doing something, but the word ‘significant’ both concerns and reassures me.

Clearly the last attempt with small changes made her worse than she started, so significant is needed and I’m glad they realise that; but then too significant and she might lose what makes her unique.

Just hungry for detail now.


Perhaps my interest in this game is being revived? I had quit the game, due to all of my fav heroes no longer being viable to play (sombra tracer soldier mccree roadhog), but if they do right by sombra, I will come back. IM WATCHING YOU BLIZZARD DEVS!

One thing they better do is a significant buff to her damage. And hopefully remove the delay time coming in and out of invis. Last time they did a significant buff to her back and all the pros that have no ability to adapt to change cried too much, so do t think they will do that again

Honestly I think the game IS dying, which is causing blizzard to finally put in the attention it deserves, to try to save it. Pretty much all the feedback from the latest season has been extremely negative throughout the internet with multitudes of popular streamers and other people saying they quit


They will listen to you, and it’s gonna be even worse.

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This better not be ruined by knee jerk reactions like last time

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Well, I guess the world does have justice after all

no more hacks on tanks that are not roadhog, then.

Yeah, I’m not sure what that was all about. “Changes probably on the PTR next week but it’s too soon to talk about them”

What? It’s not like you are deciding what changes to implement the last day…
Symmetra and Hanzo was teased months in advance :sweat_smile:

But oh well. That’s just minor stuff. We wait and see.

Inb4 it’s another ARG

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Buffing Sombra will mean Genji will be viable again so i’m totally down for it.1

If Overwatch is “dying” what is taking its place? I have recently been reading that fortnite is dying too. In a way we are all slowly dying. Is that what you really mean? That Overwatch is getting older and at some point will no longer exist as a played game? I agree that all things die.

EMP and Dragon blade incoming.