Sombra is being revived 🌟 So We Thought

Yes! I sure can

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It’s eve more broken then the payload bug so get hyped xD.

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I can’t want to see it!

When it works…

Forgive my bad aim.

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Did you ever get the chance to upload it yet?

Yea its on my Even more bugs post but I also found out its already known by fitzy and not fixed so I don’t have any hope.

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Invite me to the thread!

Sombra’s event skin is… Meh.
Just a recolor so I guess we can’t be too surprised but I still think they could have done a nicer job and put some more effort into it.


All credit to OWSaint for making this, but I really hope it looks more like this.

Sources: Do to Sombra's mexicana what you did to Hanzo's casual


Even more Sombra Bugs in 1.26/1.27/1.28 [With Video's] - #41 by SchWiniX-2357 Well its the same threat as always xD

I and @Mesonnaise fould even more on further testing but im to lazy do edit my recording right now :sweat_smile::joy:

and Sombras new skin would be way better this way -w-.

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I agree. Hopefully Blizzard change it!

Yas! Looks much better with the red! The skin needs some contrast! :star_struck:


I agree!

You know what i find funny? The people that insist “Sombras fine!” or “Sombras better!” and then in the same breath say “She just needs more damage” :rofl:


Even they don’t know what they want with Sombra, but it’s also funny because they will be the same one complaining saying Sombra does too much damage.

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I could probably adapt to the patch changes, they’re not that bad, but the bugs have been killing me lately. I’ve had a ton of hacks that seem to break for no discernible reason and that’s frustrating as hell.


Well the consistancy of hack in two videos:

Wait lets make three out of it:

Or of Stealth:

or TL maybe?:


Nice videos, quick question… Whenever you hack an mobile target, does your screen lags?

Not normaly. I get some lags sometimes but not because of hack.

I know its a problem on console that there are frame drops when hacking. But these are confirmed to be fixed on ptr. So for you in the next patch

Source: Daily thread of Please fix Sombra, bug list inside! - #288 by TomPowers

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