Sombra is being revived 🌟 So We Thought

I think her role as a disruptor just needs to be emphasized more. Make hack easier to see by your team, and if you REALLY want to emphasized it, give a health debuff of discord orb levels to Sombra only.


If they’re going to make it so hard to use, they should at least make it more rewarding than it is now.


i’m rewatching sombra’s animated short, it’s so good. the way she says “i’ll be in touch” and then gets all up in the russian lady’s face while she says it, she’s so badass. :heart_eyes::sob:


I’m back to sticking with Cree. No one wants to play with the new Sombra even if she is better at keeping the supports distracted (not dead, but I’ll take what I can get).


Beat you to it! :smile:

Agreed. It’s not as catastrophic as I initially thought but it’s not the buff we needed…


True. You can still hear the sighs on voice when you lock Sombra in competitive… :sob:


Trolli… practicing :wink:

BTW, i’m getting audio bugs of the successful hack sometimes not giving off the hack sound.

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Guys, please share your thoughts on the post. I need support! Sombra Problems Explained In Every Rank

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I agree

I simply laugh when people say that it is a skill-less ability.

Yes, I just love her as she is the type to taunt anyone and everyone, then manipulate with his or her feelings to get what she want!

The best thing she does now is while invisible, just spam hello or I know who’s been naughty.

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You did, but I am going revive all my popular threads…

Actually this is a method I know I use in the pass, to practice on my evade-ness and learn how to be slippery.

The great Somvra revival of 2018!

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Sometimes it does especially if I play against another Sombra that has some experience. I mostly can predict an EMP coming and manage to hack EMP at the right moment so it gets deleted xD (quite often actually… well at least when there is an enemy Sombra) Always feels bad when I manage to do it tho xD

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YES :sweat_smile:

Sombra on Sombra violence is always sad! :sweat_smile:

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Agreed !

Some small teaser:

I just found the most gamebreaking but in the game. I will edit and upload my recording and post it in my threat as soon as I’m finished.

P.s: @Somvra could you do me a favior and reply on my bug post so I can reply my edit-update would be awesome :3

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