Sombra is being revived 🌟 So We Thought

Bronze and Silver ranks are already abandoning her, so there goes the “lower skill floor”, “easier for weaker players” myth.

She still has time management, it went absolutely nowhere because you need to manage time to participate in the match. It only feels like it’s gone because the timer pressure, such as it was, is gone. The reality is the match timer and the pace of the game are still the most important influence on her time management.

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For what it’s worth my win rate has gone up, but in QP mostly. I don’t feel like getting banned for playing her as a one trick in comp.


This coming from someone with a grand total of 24 hours played on her? Don’t take that wrong, I too don’t lock my profile, so people can see how much wrench time I have on her. Maybe they might value my opinion to some extent at least.

I like the changes, but only because it completely offsets the 2 sec CD on hack, and a small change in her playstyle puts your hacks back to 30-40 per game like before the nerf.

Just people aren’t smart enough to see or utilize the change as such yet.

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TFW people fear being banned for playing one of the heroes.

:skull_and_crossbones: RIP


For what it’s worth to other Sombra Mains, or people who want to get in to playing her… I had a few diamonds and masters sunday trying to convince me to take her into comp.

But I told them it’s a throw pick if I do, and/or one tricks get banned, otherwise I’d love to practice her in comp.

But, until Blizzard get’s their heads out of everyone’s bum and makes a decision once and for all about it, I’ll just stick to QP where I actually have fun playing her, and not having to deal with people on voice comms.

I just throw some music on and do my thing, and don’t shive a git what anyone does or says. Does that mean I don’t play smart, no, I try when my team tries, and I screw around when my team is practicing, such as 6 DPS teams.

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I’ve even had people suggest I was using an aimbot, which I am not, and never have, but I just have ok aim I guess, no I’m no Codey, but, I do ok I guess.

Recent Youtube video if people are interested /bS3bhVfrnMA (short URL form)

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Well, as expected the QP crowd seems to love new Sombra (for now). I see so many Sombra’s in QP, mostly by people who have never touched the hero before. Just last match I saw someone trying to create a Sombra smurf because “She’s so cool now”.

Gonna be interesting to see if they stick with her. :thinking:


She’s easy to play in QP because people run around on their own more, and there’s usually only one support to try to keep a Hacked player up.

In comp, those things just don’t happen nearly as often.

She’s countered by far more basic teamplay than the teamplay she needs to follow her up.

I just had a comp game with a Sombra who was literally complaining that we were losing the 5v6s while they thought they were doing really well because they set themselves up some nice individual plays which were completely inconsequential in the scheme of the match. We actually went on to win, because a player on their team did exactly the same thing before realising what they were doing just wasn’t helpful at all, but by then it was too late.


Please notice this and add it to your thread!!



Yes, therefore less things to manage, the less things you have to worry about, the easier a hero is. If you have 3 dogs, it is much easier to handle than say, 5 dogs. Same thing with Sombra, now you only have to worry about her low damage nd waiting on cooldowns, instead of cooldowns, timers, and her low damage and large spread.


She was, they mentioned that she was originally supposed to be the third Shimada family member, let me try and find the link!

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I think there is an issue with her whole kit dealing with utility, but at the same time I believe a tighter spread or a reverse bloom will help her damage as well.


Except that’s not how it played out; in Bronze her win rate collapsed down to something like 35% as people tried to pick her up. The only result is that you’re giving people 4 minutes to do a 20 second job, and they’re using the 4 minutes to get it done, by which point it’s too late and there’s no point bothering. As good as it might feel to get that individual success at the end of it, it’s not actually enough.

The timers she had just tied in to the timers and pace of the game which was the more important timer. The reality is that she never had 6 seconds she was given to get the Stealth thing done, it had to be done faster by virtue of everything else that’s going on. It was never a really a timer that mattered.

Same with infinite TL. If in that 20 seconds you didn’t need to bug out, your team was on top and bugging out would be unnecessary anyway.

You were never really playing to those timers if you were playing the rhythm of the game. The extra time you’re given is illusionary, even Geoff said it made no difference, because such are the diminishing returns on using that extra time.


Which was the point. Everyone takes their use of the word “scout” to mean something akin to tf2 scout. But literally from day one, my interpretation on the character was “disrupting informant” I will be communicating everything i see of relevance back to my team, while causing disrupted meyhem. I play her and hack someone else’s 1v1 fight so that our team wins and pushes forward. I hack the ulting enemies, even if it isnt a disable like s76’s because it mitigates their ult potential. I’m watching for flankers and ruining their surprise. I get many eliminations, but not many solo kills. My job has always been to disrupt the enemies flow so they can’t get too organized, not just “kill the support then run” Tracer does that job and does it better. I will also add that the last three games i’ve played have all individually ended with “I hate you sombra” from the enemy team. Its been rad. My 2 cents on the matter.


Yeah, I think it is well known that Sombra is the supportive type of offense hero.


The Somvra thread is being revived :star2: (Or so we thought)!

Where’s my Sombra community at? :smile:


I was just about to revive all my threads either Tuesday or Thursday. :sweat_smile:

Permanently invisible… Not really, just playing other games right now.

New Sombra’s not as bad as I thought, at worst it’s a slight nerf, but at best it’s just a re-allocation of power.


Agreed… I still feel as though the cons outweigh the pros, but of course I am still wrecking as normal.

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