As of posting, Sombra has the lowest win rate in the entire game at 47.98% (on PC, via Overbuff). And it’s about to get worse.
Torb’s throwable turret will greatly limit where the translocator can be placed, as will pools of lava everywhere. It will make hacking even more unreliable and instantly cancelled if the turret isn’t focusing someone else.
The buffs to Soldier, Pharah and Mccree also make Sombra’s life more difficult, on top of them now being more consistent picks for the team. There’s now no reason to ever use her as a hitscan DPS when the others are so much more viable.
I’m glad Cree is getting the changes he needs and I’m excited for the Torb and Pharah reworks, but I’m bummed out that Sombra is being left even further behind.
Blizz please, can you look at Sombra again sometime in the near future?
Sombra is good. People don’t know how to play her. From my experience on the ptr, hacking his turret is actually easier because it seems to prioritize whoever he’s shooting at and I can actually hack it now without it doing a full 180 and hitting me.
I’d argue new Torb is better for Sombra. Turret has less health, Hack actually negatively affects Torb now, the classic level 1 infront of you if attacked strat disappears because of the potential cost, and he’s more likely to be out of turret LoS
Sombra’s winrate is >50% starting from Diamond and up, and she’s been seeing consistent play at the Overwatch World Cup.
What this says to me is that Sombra is a high-skill hero, and the skill necessary here is communication, which is something you’ll naturally see less of in pick-up ladder games.
I don’t think Sombra is in nearly as bad of a place as your everyday Sombra player likes to say. She clearly can be used to great effect, but everything Sombra does requires her to communicate with her team and for the team to then follow up.
It’ll be up to debate on how Blizzard wants to approach this, but I won’t be surprised if they see her as being in an okay state. Lots of heroes have horrible winrates at the lower half of brackets, but succeed in the higher levels of play. We don’t bat an eye that Widowmaker is in this same position.
If Sombra is going to be getting any buffs, expect some decent nerfs to compensate. But realistically, I think this is the place Sombra is always going to be in. If you have the skill to make the best use of her, she’ll dominate, but lacking that, you won’t find much value. It’s certainly not the worst state she’s been in.
Its pointless asking for a Sombra buff in the forums. People are just going to give you the crappy excuse that shes fine because shes being played to counter one hero in OWL and world cup.
I don’t really see how the McCree or 76 changes are going to hurt her gameplay. McCree gets some more mobility, and you’ll just have to watch 76 a little more closely when he’s firing at you.
Pharah’s changes seem like a solid neutral once you balance everything out. Sure, she’s firing more, but the higher need for reloads is handy. (Plus, it’s usually never too safe to hack where she can see you anyway)
Torb’s changes don’t seem like a huge threat, save that his ultimate will create a danger area for her to tread through. I imagine between it and Hamtaro’s ult, Blizz will inevitably have to address it depending on how large said pools are.
I feel personally attacked. Wow. I take that as a challenge and a gross underestimation on your part. These changes will further the gap and make performing well with her shine even brighter and feel so much better.
Pharah does more damage on direct hits, and because sombra is slow when not cloaked, pharah can literally 2 shot her even if she’s hacked and on the ground
Really? Because I would sooner say that her never seeing any play, whether it be casual, ladder, or professional, would be a worse state than seeing an overall increase in play in every category.
Still it’s pretty noticable how bad she is now. She’s only good for a primary hack and pretty much has to get carried by her team. “sombra you were useless” is a common phrase and they’re right for the most part. She just really cant benefit her team well in a fight besides EMP and drawing attention away from the frontline when the enemy has a control point.
“Sombra is good you just don’t know how to play her”
Its been TWO YEARS since she came out and quite a few including me play her since then. We know how to use her we now how she works and we know how wrongly she is balanced.
She is usable at pro tier because of quite a few thing.
She does not require a speziall skill anymore (micromanagement is gone) so pros can pick her up easily
The mate changed and it greatly benefits Sombra
Brig is in the game Sombra is better against her then Tracer
The teamplay is godlike there
On ladder where we don’t have that teamplay nor is she an easy pickup Sombra is still UP.
ALOT of practice on her, especially tracking with her horrible weapon.
A good number of hackable targets on the enemy team at least 3, and no not EVERY hero getting hacked means they are worthless. Hack a hanzo and he’ll put an arrow stright through your head for pissing him off at hack range.
A good team that can follow up on your hacks and EMPs.
A MIC!!! If your playing sombra without a mic your just screwing yourself and your team over. She is one of the few heroes where you need a mic to get any real work done. Playing silent on sombra is the worst thing you can do for you and your team.