💁 [Sombra] Inform Team about Hacks?

Below is a video describing why Overwatch’s sound design is generally one of the best in the business.

But I feel like the main problem with Sombra right now is that the game does a poor job of informing your teammates about a hacked enemy.

Any ideas on ways Sombra could inform the team when she hacks stuff, in a more automated way than screaming at your team “I hacked a guy over here, hey guys get over here, here, here, here. Sigh… guys, faster next time”.

I know sleep darts have some really strong audio queues, even including a channeled “sleeping enemy” sound.

Also how about visuals? Could they do something with that?

This is a none issue. This is a problem caused by the developers themselves. They have solutions, double solutions. You make the skull animation over the target. Like they do with Bob and health packs and or you have Sombra simple yell out. “I hacked McCree!”.

Huh, that’s extremely simple, and I never thought about it that way.

Any thoughts about maybe giving directional audio on hacked targets? Like slept enemies?

They could have a power cut like sound effect when a target loses their abilities.

Huh, I’m thinking a decending pitch into a low bass hum.

Specifically an extended version of the Shutdown powerup from Assault Android Cactus.

Say power down 7 on this video:

Most the games I play, enough of my teammates notice I hacked someone and focus that person.
I wouldn’t mind if it was more obvious for teammates, but I don’t have that problem.