Sombra Hack Overpowering?!?!?

I am a Lucio main. I know that Lucio isn’t the best choice to fight Sombra, and I know D.Va is good at interupting Hack. So yeah, I’m going to trust the D.Va, and the other healer, or my team in general, to interupt Sombra’s Hack and keep me alive through the duration.

Remind me, what’s the counter to Fortify again? Hack doesn’t turn that off. Hack doesn’t turn off Storm Arrow either. Odds are Amp is on cooldown anyway, like Ana’s nade.

No, the reason is the Devs didn’t think it through. Lucio is not overpowered in any sense

That was a result of WALLRIDE, which makes Lucio a target that’s harder to hit. Wallride deserves to be turned off with Hack. But a character on the ground with a small increase of movement speed or 12 HPS won’t be contesting a point indefintely.


Just as easily as mccree can flash tracer and instakill her, but we all know it’s not that easy

These forums: Why am i getting banned for onetricking Symmetra in masters :’’((

Also these forums: ugh STOP ONETRICKING ONE HERO.

And Sombra can be countered by everyone on the roster because of the 1hp limitation to her Hack. Guess she just never gets Hacks off, right?

Exactly my point. Although dealing any amount of damage to sombra is a LITTLE different than dealing 150-200. By just a tad.

Your point with the Lucio example was that theory doesn’t translate into practicality, that because McCree can Flash and delete Tracer, doesn’t mean he always will. Similarly, just because every character can stop Hack, doesn’t mean Hack will always be stopped. Otherwise, just put Hack out of its misery a la Mass Rez and make her a stealth assassin or something.

You don’t necessarily have to kill someone to counter them. If you force a retreat off the objective, the game calculates the result the same.

You aren’t fooling anyone with your responses honestly.

  1. Now that Moira is in the game yes, But post Sym nerf, no.

  2. It was a deliberate nerf to Lucio mains, because of his stall capability.

  3. No his auras were NOT always hackable. That was a change put in within the last year or so. Originally they simply prevented him from switching Auras, but he still could passively heal, and he could still run with movement speed.

  4. Do you think if anyone stands in Sym turrets it matters which character they play?

  5. There are only 2 Auto-Aim Characters in the game, Torb, and Moira. And Moira wasn’t out yet, when Sombra was released, so that only left Torb and Symmetra, whom had a short range and couldn’t hit lucios wall riding at the ceiling of points, nor was it common for Torb to get a turret let alone put a turret on an objective point to begin with.

There’s a pretty significant difference between having the mechanical skill and prediction to kill a tracer, and flinging your mouse around the mousepad to deal any amount of damage to the sombra trying to hack you.

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If you have a Lucio on your team in any rank and they’re constantly being shut down by a Sombra they have no way of fighting, one tricking Lucio doesn’t seem very useful anymore.

You can argue the point all you like (and I agree with you), but you’re not going to gain any sympathy with these forums full of people who subconsciously dislike our favorite ultra-squishy, difficult to aim with, frog because they hate having to aim at him.
Also, the reason for Sombra disabling his auras has already been stated, the devs didn’t think it through, and they don’t care enough to fix it. Everyone uses the excuse that his auras are an “active ability”, even though they aren’t (they just so happened to be coded a certain wrong way, amp IS an active ability however).

That’s called operator error.

If you are getting countered by a Sombra, as Lucio, you are not playing Lucio correctly.


Tracer teleport BS is OP, you want something god damn OP, THAT’S OP!!!


The official reasoning in the patch was that they simply wanted Hack to be more “consistent.”

Aura isn’t Amp.

You seem to think Heal Song is apparently permanent and insurmountable burst healing so I’m asking you this question to gauge how much you actually know about Lucio.

Moira doesn’t autoaim. And again, WINSTON.

I also said any character with cc affects Lucio as well. Mei and McCree’s abilities to slow him down render him an easy target.

The difference is irrelevant. The point you made and are now ignoring is that theory doesn’t meant practicality. Y’all always act like Hack can’t possibly ever land.

The devs did think it through. It was an intentional nerf because Lucio was nearly incontestable when stalling the point by himself.

It was a check and balance against one of the strongest healers in the game in every situation you can place him in.

As I said, he’s the ONLY healer in the game, who can play with any team comp on any map in any situation.

Personally everything else aside, hack shouldn’t disable aura, it’d kinda be like hack disabling dva mech/demeching dva for a period of time.

That being said, I doubt it’ll change, and in the meantime onetricking Lúcio into sombra isn’t gonna help. Either play in a way that makes it difficult for her to hack you, or learn to diversify.

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Symm, Brigitte, Winston, Junkrat, Moira etc all have an easy time eliminating him off a payload.

Here’s the best advice this entire thread just received.

Lucios projectiles are the size of rocks and soundwave covering the entirety of the screen how the heck are you telling us you can’t interrupt sombra yourself?

Sadly payload maps aren’t the only maps.

And if your team is bad against a one trick lucio, chances are you won’t kill him off a payload either.

People keep forgetting the definition of a one trick is that they specialize in that character so much so that they learn how to beat and counter their hard counters.

This is all I want. I will gladly give up Amp, Soundwave, and even Wall Ride like it was before, because in isolation from the rest of his kit his auras aren’t all that op.

In my FFA adventures I’ve learned that running up to Sombra and actually just fist-fighting her turns a fight in your favor. Turns out having an awful gun as well means you can’t usually aim. :woman_shrugging: