Sombra got screwed by contenders part 2

I havr only ever wanted her to have a buff in utility. Her pre-perma invis state was fineish in mechanics. Not function.

I want a sugar skull indicator for more than Bob and turrets. Any hero hack should have the indicator for her team to see.

Translocate shouldn’t stop reload

Moderate emp charge from health packs or slightly faster health pack spawn for allies so tanks aren’t the only ones using them.

And I’ve always wanted her opportunist passive to affect her team during EMP and a bit after ( for as long as the ult indiactor is up. )


Yes i thought so. For all of that you’d have to sacrifice hack and only have EMP as disable ability otherwise her kit would be too strong to deal with.

No one said she was new…

I mean new to people in terms of experience.


Sugar skull indicator… Disc orbs indicate when in use.

Widows ult is given to her whole team too. Why not emp?

This has nothing to the power of hack. :unamused:

Right off the bat, some QOL; bug fixes and an actual indicator for Hack, not an aura that blends in with the enemy.

I think she needs more mid-fight impact, so I’m of the favor of increasing the health on Translocator and giving a damage buffer/super armor on Hack and Stealth, so it takes more than a sneeze from D.Va 50 meters away to cancel both (I’m thinking around 30 damage, so someone has to be actively shooting at her and not accidental), or if we’re gonna keep Hack’s interuption at any damage the removal of the 2 second cooldown on interuption (lets be real, if Sombra is just holding down Hack until it goes off she’s going to die). Maybe bring back her ult charge off of health packs, but at a reduced rate,

When it comes down to it, Sombra is an initiator who can’t do anything once the fight begins. I think her February buffs were intended to solve this, with the faster Hack cast time and Spread decrease allowing her to get cheeky Hacks off and contribute in a firefight, and the loss of ult charge from health packs incentivizing staying in the fight longer. With the introduction of the buggy LOS changes as well as the 2 second cooldown on interuption, she can’t do that anymore. Her later changes for infinite stealth and translocator take her out of the fight further, making both abilities objectively worse in a fight, to allow her to do what she was doing anyway in initiation. So now she’s sitting in a weird spot where she can’t follow up on her own initiation into a fight, and now we’re back where we started with EMP farming except it’s much harder.


Pickrate doesn’t mean bad. People might not be picking her because they’re either:
A.) On fitzy’s team
B.) She doesn’t fit a lot of people’s play style

Owl is not fitzy team play. They still don’t use her.

I think it’s now both she isn’t their style plus her being undertuned

Bad Pickrate doesn’t mean bad. Bad Winrate doesn’t necessarily mean bad.

Bad Pickrate plus Bad Winrate means bad, especially in an ability heavy meta that relies on getting maximum uses out of tank abilities.


But how would you buff her? Hack is a hard ability to balance

He literally just wrote a post about how he’d buff her

This so much.

Play Apex and see how well they do the non verbal communications. You can tag everything from enemies, to a spot to regroup, weapons (wouldnt apply here obviously).

Its kind of dumb that OW has not already had this system in place and it has been asked for quite a while.

A lot of times it is 10x more efficient to be able to tag something than trying to communicate it verbally

We have to wait until OWL comes so they will balance Sombra, Doomfist and other F tier heroes to that.

And two weren’t even buffs :joy: more like…what should.have been when launched fixes.

A flat buff would be that for me, utility heroes are like supports and need to stay alive. I’d love for translocate to be able to get out of grav if placed previously elsewhere. Was in, she can’t throw it to get out once caught (the locate box just gets sucked in). But if placed before, she can leave.
That’s just something I think is weird to not have even now tho.

Sombra is fine. They shouldn’t rebalance a hero because lower tiers are incapable of effectively using a hero that revolves around positioning and game sense.

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Most of the buff Sombra needs are really QoL changes, and not any other type of buff that can turn her into an assassin.

One thing to consider, when Sombra hacks a target, if they have ult ready, it actually shows a symbol that they have ult. It would be nice if it show what percentage the ult charge is at if it is not 100% ready. This is because not everyone can track ult like the Pros, and this easily lower the difficulty to track ult for the normal players without making her broken. The key point is to increase her intel gathering ability.

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This is not a low tier only issue. This concerns all ranks up to GM.

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Her pick rate and win rate in high ranks is fine.

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Its not, dont lie. She is in the top 10 least picked heroes in GM.
Her winrate is second to lowest.


There’s always going to be 10 heroes that are. Some heroes in the game are simply more situational than others. Pick rate means literally nothing.

This is just an objective lie, I’m not sure how you can say that.

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