Sombra got screwed by contenders part 2

So this is the first thread i made 6 months ago.

It was refering to this interview the devs made on gamescom.

I complained that the devs once again screwed her over and canceled planned buffs based on contenders pickrate. Yet people tried to call me out on fearmongering and said they “reevaluate” the changes which doesnt mean canceled.

Yet here we are 6 months later and nothing happened.
Sombras stats are still garbage.

Pickrate overall: 0.74% winrate: 46.38%

And blizzard is still doing nothing.

“But shes a high skill hero”
Then why isnt she used in GM? Top 10 least picked hero and competes with McCree for worst winrate there at the same time.

A hero like Widow which is also not meant for lower ranks because shes hard to play can justify it with 4 times the pickrate in GM that Sombra has.

I honestly dont know what needs to happen so they make the hero finally balanced and viable for everyone and not exclusively for 0.001% of the playerbase who dont care for the main game balance but only live in their own bubble where they scrim in highly coordinated 6 stacks for months which is not adaptable for normal players like you and me.


Sombra does not need buffs… my god… and I play her… she doesn’t need to be a must pick…


Are you implying blizz doesn’t balance around GM? Cause that’s borderline blasphemy around here

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Must pick is not the next step of f-tier. There are multiple shades of grey in viability.


They are very inconsistent in their approach. Sometimes they balance for pros only, sometimes for ladder folks. In Sombras case its pros only.

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Nerf hack and emp and it opens up every other aspect of her kit to buffed :man_shrugging:


What Sombra needs is a communications wheels that allow her to communicate intel when you’re group up with people who don’t use voice com, or if you don’t use voice com.

She also needs to have a hack indicator on her target for her teammates to know who to focus down, the same way as discord does.


Because that approach helped her out very much the last time they did that. :thinking:

Nerfing an already underperforming hero might not be a good idea.


It is when she has considerable power tied up on two heavily reliant team abilities. She needs more independance and individual impact. Especially at most ranks where your not likpy to have teams follow up on hack or emp

They nerfed EMP to buff hack last year. Then 2 weeks after nerfed hack again.
Then they buffed the duration on translocator and stealth later and nerfed them at the same time in return.
Nerfing a hero in order to improve them doesnt work. That should be common sense.
Nerfing her just comes from the standpoint of appealing to the “Sombra is not fun to play against” crowd.


Which is as equally valid as the fact that she needs buffs. Do you honestly think a stronger sombra with hack and emp wont just be a repeat of doomfist… or sombra like you mentioned.

No because thats entirely subjective. There are tons of heroes i dont like to play against. That doesnt justify nerfs though.


You forget. Pro players hate Sombra.

Her situation has absolutely nothing to do with balance and everything to do with “Sombra stopped my Blink”.


I’ve always wondered how much a single extra damage per bullet would help Sombra. That’s the potential of 60 additional damage, but the spread is going to make sure that doesn’t happen in most situations.

There’s also ideas like to buff opportunist for Sombra to do 10% more damage to targets below 50%.

Another one was to give hack a passive to Sombra that she does extra damage to hacked targets.


Most Sombra players are against increased damage. It just puts her in an assassine role which she wasnt meant to do, makes her kind of Tracer 2.0 and devalues hacking over just shooting.
Applying a dmg buff to hacked target might be more realistic up for debate, but i dont like it because they would have to nerf her ult charge rate then in return, because she would get EMP faster that way.

Sombras main issues in the current playstyle she has is

  • Downtime management (has to spend too much time invis for set ups contributing nothing in the meanwhile)
  • Coordination with your team is hard because of lack of hack visuals and people not joining voice chat.

When they buff her they need to address these points.
Thats why many of us support an increase in base movement speed and hacked enemies should get the healthpack treatment and get timer skulls above their head and maybe should be visible through walls at 15m range.


I think when Deykar makes a sombra thread, the developer should listen to the feedback, sure there has been feedback since 2016 thats fallen into deaf ears, but what he says is important, trolls begone from this thread.


Should maybe res this thread?


I was watching Agilities basically one-tricking her last night and doing pretty well.

Agilities is a pro. Thats just the diffenrence in skill.
He would do good on any hero.


But she doesn’t need to be garbage either