Sombra got nerfed

Oh no. Your hero that’s been bleeding the game’s population by being explicitly designed to make it as frustrating and unfun as possible to play didn’t get a compensation buff. Whatever will we do.


Ah yes, that character who is a troll pick in virtually every rank

Oh no, you don’t understand that your subjective feelings towards a hero are poor grounds for nerfing a hero because anything can be unfun in this game when they aren’t actually statistically powerful, and are ignorant to the idea that all heroes should be viable and fun.

Whatever will we do.


They should have buffed her damage a little to compensate but lets be honest hack and emp are unstoppable when a good Sombra uses them with a well coordinated team. But to me her biggest issue is her primary fire. It’s the poor man’s tracer gun.

Lets see how all the changes stack up.

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Wasn’t directed at you, but hey two birds and all that.

My mistake i got a notification for it and assumed that it was directed at me

Doom already got his sledgehammer nerfs. Blizz just decided to buff him the way nobody asked for or expected.

All that crying did no good in the end. lol!

But with 222 coming. I expect a lot of heroes will get looked at.

imagine nerfing sombra because of OWL but pretending that widow isn’t a problem.


I really don’t mind these nerfs but I was really expecting a buff to compensate. With 2-2-2 lock she cannot adequately fullfill a damage role in the majority of scenarios.


5 sec is still a long time. The EMP nerf is probably there to add more counter before she activates it.

Yeah I’m fine with the nerfs but there has to be compensation buffs that balance the nerfs out

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I think she was a bit OP but I think the ult charge increase would have been enough and I was satisfied with that change until I read further. This is too much now. No (even small) compensation buffs for those big changes? I dunno. She’s a LOT weaker now for sure. Not sure about useless but yikes.

Not really an impact full nerve.
Just raising the skill cap on EMP a little
If you can’t get value out of 6 sec hack you won’t get it from 5

She needs to be less reliant on her ult and be actually able to output value as consistently as other DPS. Hopefully she gets something in a future patch.

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A couple of things that you should be aware of:

  • First and foremost, judging someone’s characteristics on who they play is incredibly immature and ridiculous. Let’s make that clear

  • Most Sombra mains, myself included, were 100% against infinite stealth and translocator

  • I never said anything of you being any kind of way outside of what you literally said. I am not making assumptions about you or your personal life, so where did you get this idea that I said you’re rude as a hobby?

Like, seriously. Are you okay??? Do you need someone to talk to? Do you need music recommendations? It’s one thing to be annoyed by a hero, but to this degree that you’re calling me a sociopath for playing her is a little much. And I think if you calm down, and come back to this, you’ll realize how excessive that is lol.


I consider the nerf fine for Sombra, would like to see an increase in ammo clip side or slight increase in base movement speed though.

An increase in clip size will not drastically make her stronger, since most of the time, you will teleport out before using all the clip. It’s more for situational instances where she is in the fight for longer period of time, but does not make her killing power insane.

For a team fight, the nerf makes sense, but for dueling purposes, that 1s can make a differences in outcome.

Bullcrap. Hack clearly needed a nerf the fact there was no way to counter it but sheer luck no not even good positioning stops you being hacked this might give you time to react now

with all due respect any sombra that waits forever to do anything isn’t a good sombra

sombra is statistically the worst hero in the game


Are you talking about the ability, or EMP? Because the hack ability is the same. The EMP cast time is increased (and I can get behind that nerf).

Like, totally cool with the a hack duration nerf and EMP cast time nerf. That’s cool. Just…you know, why not give her something else? Especially now that we’re going into 2-2-2 role locks. Especially when no one wanted infinite stealth or translocator to begin with…

A little bit less spread would be perfect

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