Sombra feels incredible

Considering that many players on this very forum have been complaining about Moira’s charging in and throwing out damage orbs all day and not healing their team and have been complaining about these same problems for years, I’d say that the argument above doesn’t carry much weight.

There’s no “correct” or “incorrect” way to play Sombra, but rather the abilities on her kit encourage specific playstyles that don’t wholly commit to the “team-based shooter” that Overwatch tends to ascribe to. Hack’s duration and EMP are meant to be used together in conjunction with the team to help them succeed. Counter to that is infinite Translocator and infinite Stealth promotes a playstyle does not work well with the team.

Actually, that was literally your argument for why she would be less toxic to play against. lol

Yea it was because that litterly what it does its the one and only “nerf” about removing infinite stealth/. A nerf that fixes a big part of why she is an annoying character to play against. While the buff of being faster in that short period of time greatly decrease her downtime you know that thing that makes her currently such a bad character ever since 1.26?

The only argument you made against this was but this extremely minor bad thing is happening so this big buff shouldn’t happen.

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He rages a lot and really hates “low skill high reward”. And Nitpicks Brigitte a LOT.

Basically the most skill elitist a streamer can be

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She already did get a hack and EMP nerf. This is basically the late compensation buff. Any further nerfs are silly.

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Hack is now interrupted by casting hack

Hack duration reduced from 5 seconds to 0.9 seconds


Now kills… Something, never what you need it to, but something, maybe a team mate. Maybe a prop. Or the payload

Fixed Sombra for ya

You mean the ManChild?

Oops wrong nickname :wink:

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wasnt this already a thing tho. then everyone started playing sombra. like she was meta but people hated to play her so her pickrate wasnt that good. but they nerfed her anyways.

i feel like she should be either utility based or damage based. not both. this is gonna get nerfed, people were saying why even play tracer if i remember correctly.

Can anyone confirm what “10% reduction” means here?

Is it a 10% overall reduction of conal area or a 10% reduction in radius?

If it’s the first, then the impact is surprising and pleasing.

If it’s the second then it makes sense because that’s not a small reduction and solidifies my theory that the OW devs simply don’t understand how math works sometimes.

I’m glad they’re trying this out, but I’d be surprised if it went through. It almost feels too good

If you playing her incorrectly and at your current rank you find that this change isnt as big as you think. I see people picking up sombra then dropping her because she just to hard and gamesense reliant for mojority of people.

Any burst damage heros goes up agenst this sombra on live and the experimental card so hanzo mcree ashe torb. For example hog as well. Aka a hog that knows what he doing. Then sombra isnt a viable pick vs these dont think you can play her like a tracer. You get punished fast

I think blizzard should push this change live but instead of it being the 10% decrease on the ExpR card it toned down to 5% in Live environment. That way a 3-sec Booster debate is avoiding, and sombra is nerfed shortly after.

I wouldnt say she the worst dps I just dont think this buff is enough for people to play her due to sombra being a pure gamesense hero. I can see people picking her up then dropping her again but I still play her lol the change is a quality of life change to sombra mains.

If someone thinks they can just pick her up and do well a amature with 0 experience vs me with over 200hours on her they dont stand a chance

tbh 1 hero being able to do soemthing to a bubbled unit isnt unfair.

letting them live, but not use skills imho is a fair tradeoff when only 1 unit can hack.

Sombra’s true threat is her boop spam while invis and scaring the crap out of the backline.

Mental warfare can be worse than physical dmg.

sombras have been waiting for smaller spread, the reason why it hasn’t been a thing sooner is because they were afraid she would be too good of an assassin and infringe on tracers territory.

but remember it’s on the experimental, it’s just a test and maybe won’t come to the actual game.

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Didn’t they almost make this change, like, a year ago? Then she was played a bunch in Contenders and they backed out of it?

Not sure that more damage is the correct change, but she does obviously need some sort of buff. I would’ve preferred something targeting her downtime (hack health packs while stealthed, stealth doesn’t break on damage for the first 2 seconds after casting, hp regen during stealth, etc).

“angry Zen noises” intensifies…

I agree but this is a nice quality of life when engaging around 15-20 m on a squishy.