Sombra feels incredible

I was always against giving her more assassin opportunities since I feared that it would result in a “role swap” from disruptor to assassin, but I gotta agree! The changes make her feel less hard-counterable by e. g. McCree and Hanzo while actually keeping her battlefield role.

She is still weaker than most of the DPS in terms of 1v1, but if you’re good with tracking, you could now challenge these heroes more. This change also just rewards people who are good with her anyways. So, people who play Sombra will play her more and people who can’t play Sombra, will still probably stay away. I like it and I sincerely hope it makes it to Live!

Yet, they might have to keep an eye out for ultimate generation. Maybe it’s too quick, but only the future will show… (Hopefully not an issue).

I dont think that’s exactly the case but it might be pretty close, my guess is that they didnt want both her and tracer on the same team while being able to have a sniper and/or more dmg than intended, 2-2-2 removed the risk of having a ton of overbearing damage and thus Sombra can be buffed to fulfill the amount of dmg a dps should have

she does have low dps still for a dps, they just decreased the spread that’s all.
170 dps with spread as her only source of damage isn’t exactly high.

however she has far more utility than most dps, if her damage reaches past the breaking point that she can comfortably contend with other dps then she will just be plain better than most dps, that’s what they are weighing on.

they want sombra to be a pick where the team sacrifices damage for utility, not get to have both.

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I thought McCree was melting everyone, he has a lower dps than Sombra, does he not?

if you don’t hit headshots as mccree and don’t use your kit, then yeah you would technically do less dps and have less burst.

but everything in mccrees kit is geared for him to do damage and he’s punished for it by being immobile and be slightly larger than other dps.

remember mccree can fan the hammer for 300 damage in about a second. sombra instead gets hack.
mccree gets a stun that sets up kills for mccree, sombra gets translocate.
mccree gets roll which is a reload and quazi dodge function, sombra gets stealth.

mccree gets an ultimate that does damage, sombra gets to hack multiple people.

all in all, there’s very little point in picking sombra if no one is able to follow up on her hacks with damage.
but mccree even if his kit isn’t being used as much he still does good/average damage.

That kinda scares me though lol. Sombra feeling incredible usually leads to a bunch of nerfs.

I know McCree is better. I am just saying now that McCree is meta, people are whining about the three tap (which only works up to 20 meters) whereas if Sombra stays in her effective range, she should melt you way faster. Spread is irrelevant if we are just talking bodyshots. Heck, she might get accidental headshots because of it, bumping up the dps even more than someone who has to deliberately aim for the dome.

Like, I see a lot of Sombra claiming McCree hardcore counters her… Yet, if you stay out of flash range and aim at his tank hitbox, especially near the head, you will melt any McCree at all but the highest levels of play. He is half dead before he gets the first shot off and needs a double tap.

well there’s healing and spread that actually makes sombra less effecient than mccree, like imagine her spread, her entire spread reticle needs to hit every shot for her to get 170 dps.
and mccree can kill people with a flash without any ability to fight back on their own.

just think about it, mccree can fth, roll, fth and orisas barrier is gone.
sombra have 170 dps for 3 seconds and then she reloads, she doesn’t even break barrier in one clip, which makes sombra a lot slower in the dps department.

but sombra is pretty good against tanks in the way that they have bigger head hitboxes and she can hit more headshots on a tank with her spread which increases her damage exponentially, and she does have a clip big enough to do significant damage to tanks.

like sombra does ok damage when she actually gets to deal it, but that’s really rare, but she isn’t the best at killing squishys as they are just better at burst killing stuff than her.

but she’s not far off being a legit dps.
like soldier76 got 180 dps and has no spread for the first couple of shots, but his clip size is a lot smaller.

I agree… I am just trying to say if this buff goes through, Sombra can force more 1v1s at lower levels of play, and that will make people complain more. That will get her nerfed again.

I vaguely care about the character because I used to one trick her. I want her to be useful without being oppressive. This makes her not much more. Useful the higher you go (for the reason you stated), and therefore is kind of pointless. It makes the best flanker at lower levels of play, especially if you lack mechanical skill.

Her dps is outrageous if you can use it properly. It genuinely is. I think most Sombra just engage at the wrong range, are bad at tracking, or decide not to go for headshots for whatever reason.

Her gun is FINE. Her pickrate is not low because of her spread.

in a 1v1 vs most dps she is on the backfoot even with this though, and that can be tricky for sombra.

but i see the point why she shouldn’t have it too, because it ultimately might be too much in higher tiers of play, killing supports would be a lot easier with this change, and that’s terrible when she can pretty much flank constantly with stealth and translocate out to never die too.

as i said, a better version of tracer.

but hey it would be interesting to see if this would actually make people play more sombra in more skill brackets.

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No she doesnt. Why does can she immobilize the mobile, Outdmg the assassins all while being insanely mobile. This is stupid hero design as well as antifun philosophy. It wont go live unless the devs want to prove they only want to cater to the casuals.