Sombra feels incredible

The problem is her invisibility.

How do you balance an invisible hero who also disables you, so it doesn’t feel frustrating to play against? It’s not easy. People will ALWAYS complaint about an invisible hero killing them, and I think it’s understandable.

I wish Sombra’s design was way different than it is now. We didn’t need an invisible hero, and she could’ve been way more useful.


Tbh invisibility only became a problem when they made the stupid infinite time changes that nobody ask for.

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They could make it that the first hacked health pack instantly resets her hack. But if u have more than one pack hacked, you get the normal cooldown on the next one.

I know. It was better before, it was up to the player when to become inv and surprise the enemy.

But now with perma inv all a Sombra can expect is being annoying.

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I don’t know much about this guy but everything I’ve heard points to him being a real piece of trash.


Its a nice change, but it doesn’t address how clunky hack/invis is atm


2.7 degree spread to 2.4 degree spread is incredibly minor. Literally about as small than a projectile’s length.

And damage didn’t go up, but consistency improves slightly.

Pretty much.

You’re either too far from the target and thus experiencing falloff, or you’re wasting too much time trying to hit and kill a target. Or you’re just too cowardly and a sneeze is forcing you back.

Remember that every time you fail to kill a target as Sombra in the middle of a harassment when your team isn’t moving in together, is just more ultimate charge for the Supports.

Clearly. Why waste development time, pay money to hire a voice actor, create an entire backstory, cinematic, and put in so much effort just to make absolutely sure, that she is never, ever played by anyone.

At the moment, EMP has very little counter-play, so there’s very little they can tweak with EMP without it breaking the game. Until that’s resolved, you don’t want EMP to be too strong.

This is hilarious, Sombra’s spread was still lower than Tracer’s at launch and Sombra’s falloff is generally higher than Tracer’s either way you look at it. In terms of output, they’re not too much different between each other. In terms of mobility, that’s where Tracer and Sombra tend to differ greatly. If Sombra players played as aggressively as Tracer players do and can, you would so much complaints.

The problem with the infinite timers is it’s enforcing a style of play that runs counter to what Overwatch’s basic gameplay loops are. You’re not supposed to be retreating, but constantly pushing against defense or aggression. It’s much very like football. Sombra doesn’t work well enough as a hit-and-fade type hero because she lacks the offensive power to so. Her ability to disable targets and teleport around the field or sneak in and cause disruptions very much encourages teamwork and effort, but the effects of her kit’s style is running counter to that.

Again, and again and again it is pointed out that Sombra’s spread on her gun is lower than Tracer’s and pretty much everyone else within the same mobility range. Sombra’s ability to stealth and teleport across the battlefield is unique advantage, but too many players do not take advantage of it and run against the basic fundamentals of her kit.

Correct, save for the Genji/Tracer comment. She’s designed as a flanker, but even Tracer and Genji require team support to lock in those kills, Sombra is no different here.

Again, correct.

The design changes were intentional based on feedback, not because of new players. Getting rid of the timers, would encourage a different type of playstyle, but wouldn’t necessary call for additional changes.

The thing is, the current translocator design is encouraging a lone-wolf, hit-and-run playstyle that runs counter to her kit as disabler and opportunist. She needs to be with her team doing work, not running in solo and retreating when she takes damage. Changing Translocator to be a temporary device with low cooldown (basically a reversion to her original kit design) would encourage a different mindset.

Could probably come up with something here, but a reversion would be a good start.

Feedback wanted it infinite. They didn’t like it being temporary.

Having a stealth character is fine the problem is this community whines too much.

In TF2 as a heavy main good spy players wreck me, so you really have to use your eyes and ears. Same thing applies to Sombra.


That poster is certainly eating his or her cake and having it too.

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Where you anywhere close to the Internet at the time (atleast stuff that’s Overwatch related)? The backlash was worst the 2-2-2 backlash with only really rare cases of people actually approving it.

Saying the feedback was bad is an understatement people HATED it.

Her infinite uptime on her translocator is a bigger problem than her invisibility. A Sombra with a translocator safely in her backline can’t be punished without hard stuns. They need to put it back on a timer again. Infinite invisibility is fine, it’s actually one of the more balanced parts of her kit, simply because she literally can’t do anything else while invisible.

As someone who plays alot of sombra I think the change is great I dont think it makes her op once you vs hanzo mcree and other burst damage heros vs players who can aim sombra is just weak towards them.

No real differnce. Still worst dps

*zen crying in a corner

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Absolutely not. Every single buff Sombra gets has a “…but actually… it’s a nerf” attached to it.

Even with a 10% buff, she still has poor spread, a low overall damage gun, no additional sources of damage, tiny range for a midrange hitscan, and the worst falloff in game.

This isn’t necessarily the buff I’d choose for her, but it’s by no means too much, and absolutely doesn’t require a nerf.

…and Zarya still counters her, even without your proposed unnecessary nerf.

It honestly won’t affect Zen much. Sombra vs Zen duels typically take place at close range where the spread change won’t matter.

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This is completely false.

If Sombra is hiding she is effectively invisible. It always was and it always has been up to the player to decide when to surprise the enemy.

If infinite invisibility is promoting a playstyle that is more effective as opposed to popping up at predictable intervals then finite timers shouldn’t do anything to change her gameplay. Players could just as easily hide and vary their finite timer forays to be less predictable. This is a disingenuous argument made by Sombra players. All they want is a buff to Sombra, not to make her better to play against. The problem is of course that without altering her playstyle she is too toxic to be buffed to having a large competitive presence. Her design is too cheap.

It’s pretty funny imputing her problems to players having an incorrect mindset. The classic players haven’t figured out how to play her properly argument. Except it has been years and she’s not so complicated. Her kit has always made a lone wolf hit-and-run playstyle highly suggested. If a different playstyle proved superior it should have emerged regardless of the irrelevant differences being discussed.

it was also not meant seriously :robot:

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Considering you don’t have any base for this argument… You couldn’t provide ot in the past and still not now. So I can freely say no its correct as hundreds of Sombra players say vs you who barely touched her.

I’ve repeatedly refuted the logic of your argument, as I did in the very post you’re quoting. I’ve read your reasoning, as you are well aware.

Well your only reply to my argument was:
BuT iT mAkS heR pRedIctAbLe.

While I actually made point which you ignored.