Sombra feels incredible

The rationalization here is astonishing. The Sombra mains claiming she’ll be better to play against do so on the premise her ambushes would come at predictable intervals. So which one is it, are you stupid and plan on playing her predictably so your opponents know when you’re arriving or are you rationalizing?

Which is exactly why she is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Her design sucks.

Ironically it’s a Nerf if your aim is terrible :sweat_smile:

In all honesty I’ve been wanting to try this out for a very long time but like others have pointed out i question if it maybe makes her too strong and I say that as somebody who loves playing Sombra


Infinite invisibilty opens the door up for that assassin gameplay you mentioned earlier, though. Surely there was some other way to decrease Sombra’s downtime?

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I mean this is what I’ve been arguing the entire time. You were the one that was acting as if her not being in the backline assassinating people was entirely a l2p issue and not something that they intentionally limited as a design choice.

I never said that she can’t kill anything. I said it’s not her playstyle. Her primary playstyle is to farm EMP. If she gets a pick, that’s great. But she often won’t and it’s not what she’s designed to do. Strawman.

It didn’t with her current weapon because the weapon is designed to limit her lethality.

With this change though? Whoo boy. I am seriously concerned.

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Nah, not stupid, your argument is, though. Other characters who flank can’t even go invisible so they are much easier to spot when flanking. Invisibility alone gives her an easier time with flanking. Timers don’t allow for poor planning or time wasting, I never even let the timer run out on her invisibility because there was simply no need for me to be invisible for longer than the timer. Her translocator could use a few more seconds but it wasn’t an issue either.

Her design doesn’t suck, some changes they made to it to appease new players do suck, though. They get rid of the infinite timers and more avenues open up for other changes, especially since they are unnecessary.

Then we agree on this.


scratches head

Infinite translocator is really just a QOL buff at this point because it starts CD when thrown. Making her cancel it when it’s about to go off and toss a new one out if she needs more time than the old one would have had is just time wasting in most scenarios. No real reason to change it.

Infinite stealth otoh…

It’s almost as if DPS need to be able to do consistent damage to be competitive, but in all seriousness she has either had a fall off or spread reduction buff comming for awhile now.


Yeee! I’m healer main but I’m happy anyway. I really like Sombra, hope this will go live

10% is too much, they should tone it down to 5%

I got a huge hmmmmmmm from this.


What I don’t like about that suggestion is that it’s just another scenario where Zarya becomes indispensable. She’s already everywhere right now and maybe it’s my salty DPS nature but I’m sick of her. Gives this buff to Winston and I’m all in.

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Maybe they could make it so that EMP doesn’t go through barriers, but only destroys the barrier.

Well if it were based on LoS that gives Winston the best barrier vs Sombra. I think if it affected every barrier though they’d need to up some other facet of the ult because it would get far less value just being a shield popper than it does already. Maybe increase the window of time hacked?

Honestly why not just revert infinite timers and with that you can also revert goats nerfs? I feel like she’d be perfect after that

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It does feel really good I just don’t like ignoring her actuall problems and just force her out with DMG buffs tbh.

If anybody wants to try out something I think would actually fix some of her Problems I made this a while back: SOMBRA BUFF IDEAS WITH [WORKSHOP] (Shameless self-promotion sorry)

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Oh boy, buffs to the most anti-fun hero in the game.


Great, a buff to the Mexican fun police

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can you stop being a victim for once in your life?

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