Sombra design contradicts the terms and conditions of Blizzard

Copied from the Blizzard terms and conditions:

Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Code of Conduct or In-Game Policies.

My response:

Due to the design of Sombra, (mainly due to the auto-aim on her hack) she is open to be abused as a ‘griefing’ character. Repeatedly hacking one person (which requires little to no aim to do) is abusive behaviour, undermining (lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously.) Which definitely disrupts the Game experiences of others.

There is a major flaw in the design of Sombra, and I feel it needs to be changed. At least the auto-aiming ability of the hacking mechanic. It’s too easy to pull off. I suggest needing to lock on aim for X amount of time before you can apply the hack. Perhaps have it like Mei’s freeze, where gradually the characters abilities that do get disabled, will take longer to use until the hack is complete and they stop all together. (instead of movement gradually slowing until you’re completely frozen).


Reported for hacking. Even better.


This is actually Genius.

Go Report the dev team.

This isn’t.

Work out a way to make her win rate get to average, before looking at nerfs.

You can say the same thing about any hero.


Wow another make hack a skillshot post.
Do you people really never think this through?

What happens with a skill shot hack = rip tanks while mobile heroes she should actually stop get to run free.

Not happening


No he goes a step further. He argues using hack should be a reportable offense.

Yea well I ignored that just because I want to believe he is joking xD


That’s impossible. No one has read the Terms of Service :scream:

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Personally, I think that was a damn good joke.

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With what I’ve read on this forum, i can actually believe that hes serious xD

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It’s not auto aim, it’s a large hitbox with a visual lock on. Just like Moira and Winston.
You could have the hitbox reduced but it doesn’t seem like a necessary nerf to me.

Stop crying and git good. Or if you feel Sombra is op, take her and own all these noobs and then tell us how easy it was.


Following this reasoning, repeatedly killing one person can be considered abusive behavior and, news flash, every hero can do this.

If you feel like you ‘can’t play the game’ because you’re getting hacked by Sombra, maybe start using your mouse and the two buttons on it.


Except for the fact Blizzard reserves the right to make game changes and define what constitutes harassment as an issue between players not characters.

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So oneshotting the same enemy over and over again as
Doomfist or sniper or freezing as Mei should also count as griefing then?.
You use a hanzo pic btw

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And that is how the WoW reddit thread about a certain topic that I will not name here was born.

ask sombra like support : no damage, only hack XD (i’m joke)

This is the dumbest post I’ve seen on these forums in a long, long time.