I hid everything so it looks smaller and for the better Overview
About me
About me as a Sombra main
I am a Plat yes only Plat Sombra main I never really cared about Ranking but I still play her in QP like I would in Comp (I know not the same but I do play her in Comp to I just don’t play Comp all too often because of Job and Stress reasons) but I play her since launch and didn’t really played other heroes that often so I would guess I’m a pretty ok Sombra.
Sombra changes
Current PTR Sombra
I’m sure everybody knows the Sombra Changes by know but here they are again:
So most Sombra main (me included) think this is overall a nerf even tho its better with the buffs they added recently.
Whats Bad?
There are a lot of Reasons here just a few of them:
1. The +50% speed boost instead of +75% is actually a big deal because most gap jumps aren’t possible anymore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv20E-YAZEI Good video showing that of “hacked” thank you. You are Awesome!
2. Destroyable Translocator (5HP) means every so slightly Dva pellet (or any Shotgun Heroe) can destroy it from miles away even unintentional (Turrets focus it to)
3. Unlimited Stealth and Translocator are useless for good Sombra players because we don’t have a problem of managing our time. Most of us rarely run out of Stealth or Translocator time before we are where we wanted or did what we wanted.
Whats Good?
Yes, there are actually a few things (some pretty obvious):
1. The Unlimited Stealth and Translocator allows new Players to play and enjoy Sombra more because it lowers the Skill ceiling (hopefully we won’t see all too many just sitting in Stealth waiting for this one low Mercy basically making the game 5v6)
2. Destroyable Translocator (by Sombra here self) just very useful if you have thrown your Translocator into enemies by accent you can now Destroy it by Pressing F (pretty obvious I know xD)
3. Hack stops Sombras Reload.
Just the opinion from some Overwatch YouTubers and Sombra Pros
Reverse the PTR Changes maybe keep the reloading canceling and Translocator Destroying (only by Sombra)
Bug Fixes
Make hacked targets more visible for the team
Add a threshold to Hack and Stealth around 30 dmg before Break
Your Suggestions
Everything that I found in this Post that a lot of People agreed is listed here:
Callout to the Overwatch Dev team!
So I’m going to speak directly to the Dev team now I hope you’re reading this:
Hey Dev Team
There is a lot to thank you. For this Game and all the Updates we received so far and a whole lot more! But right now we as the Community (mostly the Sombra main part of it xD) have a Problem because Sombra is getting nerfed for the good players out there who took there time and learned Sombra and to keep that from happening we will raise our Voices… or Keyboards (as you probably noticed in the Forums xD). So right now I’m suggesting a Change to how you use the PTR! We do NOT care how long it takes for you to fix here as long it is something we all (or the most of us) can agree that we will enjoy! I know that’s hard because Sombra is an extremely hard Hero to balance between Fun to play and Fun to play against and that’s why I’m saying take your time. Let here stay on the PTR for 2-3 months or more! Open a new official thread to leave Suggestions and answer questions about, tell us what your thinking and maybe answer a Suggestion with but what about this or that and then someone will answer again let’s have a Discussion sometimes on that official thread and test a few of the Suggestions. We Sombra many will happily go on the PTR and we will leave our Feedback and others will probably too.
I know it a lot I’m asking you. You have work to do and Sombra isn’t your only problem but it may help you in the Future on other heroes be opener about changes and why you do them maybe answer a few more Questions from time to time but in the End it’s your game and I trust you to do the best for the player base even if we are all small ******* sometimes .
Thank to everybody who read my post leave your suggestions and your opinions. Let us all: #savesombra
Well you said it all.
When ptr changes are reverted except of what you listed she would be in a great spot.
Sombra will never be the top-pick hero or the hero with huge winrare. She is really complex and to be good at her you need to put tens of hours into her.
She is not the hero you just pick and roll on.
New ptr changes only made her easier to grasp and fall into the wrong playstyle.
It won’t help her overall performance. It will actually lower it as the good players lost their special tricks they were able to do to shine with her.
Here are some of my suggestions as a fellow Sombra enthusiast:
-Reduce reload speed from 1.5 sec to 1.25 sec
-Revert all PTR changes except Sombra’s ability to cancel her translocator and her ability to cancel reload with hack
-Increase base movement speed from 5.5 m/s to 6 m/s (equal to genji and tracer)
-Remove 2 second cooldown from hack breaks (or change it to 1 second)
-Increase translocator throwing velocity by 25%
She might not need all of these changes, but any mix of them would be nice. They are all pretty small, so we should definitely get a few.
If I had to tell the developers one thing, it would be, thanks for salvaging Sombra and sorry that it was not good enough for all of the entitled Sombra mains that are just unwilling to adapt.
I think all of those combined are asking for too much. She would’ve been fairly viable before with her bug fixes. She’s mostly just kept down because of the meta. All the armor shields and barriers make it really difficult for her to do her job and get ult charge, making her not really get much done. Otherwise she’s fairly formidable and probably would’ve sufficed with some very minor QoL changes like just the reload speed change or the ability to interrupt the reload animation for hack. Anything beyond that I think is going too far.
Got added… in the lazy way tho xD hear them a lot so… all clear
I think all of those combined are asking for too much. She would’ve been fairly viable before with her bug fixes. She’s mostly just kept down because of the meta. All the armor shields and barriers make it really difficult for her to do her job and get ult charge, making her not really get much done. Otherwise she’s fairly formidable and probably would’ve sufficed with some very minor QoL changes like just the reload speed change or the ability to interrupt the reload animation for hack. Anything beyond that I think is going too far.
I think revert here and fix the bugs would be a great start and if she is still too weak even after Brigitte Hanzo etc. nerfs a few of these or mine wouldn’t be a bad choice .
Yeah but what’s the point of making a hard hero when you make it easier for new players later on?
We managed to get good at her. Everyone can. She just needs more time to learn. I mean isn’t that the principe of hard heroes?
What comes next? Give Widow a new ability which when activated will work as an aimbot? So the poor players who don’t want to practice her or have bad aim can have fun too?
And after that? Give Roadhog hook the lock-in?
Or to Anas sleep dart?
Or make Tracer blink automaticaly when she receive damage?
I mean… for new players there are easy to pick heroes. Why we need to lower the skill ceiling of everything to the level that the 6 years old kid will be able to be “average” with them in the first game?
I think if they were to add a threshold for hack, they would have to increase the hack time by a fair bit… If it becomes completely impossible to stop, then it’s just going to get gutted again. I think Fitzy said something like that in his interview, and I agree… If she can get her hack off too easily, she’s just going to receive a lot of complaints, and they’ll just gut hack once again.
Stealth would be fine though, just have the same-ish animation as when she gets too close to someone, and once she takes so much damage, she uncloaks.
I also think the 2 second hack timer is fine. I don’t play Sombra much at all, so I’m sure my opinion doesn’t count somehow, but if a Sombra tries to hack someone as they’re shooting at her (or in the middle of a firefight in general), she deserves the cooldown on hack. I understand that sometimes a stray bullet can stop hack, maybe a 5 damage threshold would do, but not 30… or at least not without some change to the cast time.
Good point my main reason to have that threshold is so Reapers and other not long-range heroes can’t breack important hacks from across the map i do not know if 5 hp would be enougth but i agree 30 is maybe a little over the top that would be a great thig to test on the ptr to see what would be the best threshold.
I feel like the best thing for Sombra would be if devs focused their attention to another hero.
I would more likely had current buggy live Sombra insteed if this raped version fixed with a patch over her ananus.