Sombra buff is the wrong way to go about it

I’ve been saying since 16 that Sombra should had been released a the second non healing support instead of offense. This way, people would stop trying to compare her with heroes like Tracer, and set her place as an enabler instead of a finisher.

Pretty much Sombra was the offensive counterpart to Symmetra. It would make sense for her to be support.


What in the world?

Whilst hacking anyone doesnt take skill mechanically, the skill comes from game sense of understanding what the other teams win condition is and shutting it down. Oh your comp struggles to win the sheild war vs a hazo and junk just hack the rein or the orisa just before her shield breaks or you know the mcree has high noon and he wants to take the high ground for it try and get into position for denying it.

I do agree that hack doesnt need anymore buffs tho sombra does need some quality of life changes that affect her alone. The buff in experimental is perfect for that as it helps sombra at her optimal engagements.

The question is why do you think that are the only things to buff there been alot of ideas on the forum to buff her in many different ways without making her more annoying Deykar’s ideas, for example, are buffs that would help out greatly without making her more annoying
and because I’m a Shameless individual I’m gonna link my own stuff here:

And there are so many more. Saying her gun is the only thing to buff is just being short-sighted and uncreative. IMO

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That is some next level skill right there. It’s a good idea to hack the shield tank only sometimes.

Group Up & Z x2
It’s already present.

Trust me, I know all about her fundamental design. You and me both.

I am just saying I just came into conclusion that with her design, the devs and the community will never give her a chance without doing the whole one step forward, two steps back approach.

I said it time after time after time again that her main issue is her downtime.

I personally do not mind the infinite translocator and stealth, however, they could have kept the 75% speed boost.

They could have done without the translocator cooldown increase, meaning they should have left it at 4 seconds oppose of 6 seconds.

I personally do not mind the 1 damage knocking her out of stealth, however, I think her cloak and de-cloak time need to reduce from 0.7 second to 0.5 seconds.

Last, but not least her base movement speed, personally, need to be increase from 5.5 m/s to 6.0 m/s

With this 10% spread deduction, I am fine with that too, but knowing Sombra’s past history with buff, I am afraid that the devs is going remove the buff, or keep it and nerf 2 more thing of her.


I could see it, hacking either the enemy or her teammates.

Seagull is back in his clown car riding around spreading the great gospel of an impending Sombra meta to rally up the troops to storm Blizzard HQ to get her nerfed again

We have PTSD from blizzard smacking us with the nerf hammer.

With 2/2/2 the wiggle room for a utility DPS on the team has completely evaporated, so as a DPS she needs to be able to actually do good DPS, I’m glad they’re reducing the spread but she needs more buffs, not her utility with hack or EMP but fluidity buffs like having trans locator reload gun

Because any time we reach viability we get the nerf bat (trash on ladder but used in OWL = THREE NERFS!). So whatever buffs we do get has to count.

Things like the sugarskull icon have low direct impact but still great value.

2bh it’s fairly simple, add hack interaction vl on the sombra side of her calling out who get hacked, but it’s vl instead of player having to use vc.

It both adds vl interactions and also alarts teammates who is getting hacked w/ relative ease.

Until her kit allows for some autonomy she’s a lost cause. Every change they do to her only affects how long her downtime is doing nothing. It’s asking “downtime or more downtime?” Translocator takes her out of a fight, leaving it 5 v 6. Cloak has her running around doing nothing by herself. And her abilities of Hack and EMP do nothing if there’s not a team following up, again, leaving her to do nothing on her own ultimate. Her entire existence can’t just be “I take up a dps slot, but have no damage output.”

Either make her able to do something without this utopian match you made up in your head or just remove her from the game and be done with it. No amount of buffs to downtime/team reliant abilities will make a difference outside of the highest level of play, which is not where any of your players (me included) sit.

S*** or get off the pot.

Give her the 50hp 150 shield treatment or even better yet 30hp 170hp just like zen

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I agree with her gun not being the best thing to buff. It feels nice, and I really like it, but Sombra shouldn’t be so threatening in a 1v1 scenario. If you have the aim, you’re gonna be able to just unstealth behind one clip people

I disagree, her kit is already good. She does what she has to do. The only thing that was really poor in her kit was her weapon. She could easily lose in a 1-1 with about any other character (especially dps), so a small buff to her weapon is the right way to go.

I’ve always held the opinion that standard hack is a mistake and that her power should be concentrated into direct firepower and EMP.

The buff is nice and all but I fear it’ll either never go live or people will just complain,as they do,and Sombra gets nerfed to death…again.

Why can’t they just fully rework her at this point if she’s such a “problem”? I really don’t get it.
