Sombra buff is the wrong way to go about it

I totally believe this and I feel you, the issue is that the tradeoff sucks because most people suck.

By that, I mean I can’t tell you how many times I’m playing Sombra and I’ll hack a target - with fellow DPS right by me, mind you - and they IGNORE the hacked target. And thus it’s me vs. a hacked enemy who more than likely does more DPS than I do, and I have to retreat.

Now do I get kills? Sure. But not every single time.

And then I’ve had instances where I announce I have EMP and my team is alive, I EMP…and my team didn’t push for some reason. Or they target the enemies that aren’t EMP’d first…for some reason. Etc.

The issue is that Sombra trades off damage for utility but it is bad when you have (for lack of a better word) morons on your team who don’t know how to coordinate. And Sombra suffers in that regard. She is very much a team reliant DPS. So this change will make her a bit more self-sufficient.

Why do Sombra mains always complain about buffs? Last time it was about the translocator/stealth changes that made her better and easier to play. You will have less downtime and you won’t have to rely on teammates to do all the damage for you in a team fight.

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I don’t at all disagree with you that I’d vastly prefer other buffs over this one, but I think you are over exaggerating how much a 10% spread reduction will affect her.

It’s pretty trivial overall.

Odd, I completely disagree with your reasoning but I agree with your suggestions. In fact I wouldn’t mind those and the spread buff.

As for the reasoning, I rather be dead than stunned/hacked/frozen. It’s that simple.

Deykar, Deykar… how many times have we been through this my friend?
(90’s sitcom "we need to have a talk music starts )

We’ve been up and down the reasonable Sombra buff trail for years now. Sugar Skulls over hacked health packs, reduced delay coming out of stealth, to making hacked targets appear purple instead of red because that blends in with the enemy sometimes, like a charged Zarya or a Ball with shields.

Sure, a reduced spread makes her more lethal, and I for one am having the best time actually being able to consistently back line and kill supports, but it’s not THE buff we need.

You’ve been a beacon for us Sombra mains and we all appreciate it, but as we learned time and time before, we often don’t get the buffs we need, no matter how good of an idea it may be.

Keep fighting the good fight.


That doesnt make sense. People hate on Hanzo because he can burst tanks down with no CC involved at all.
Thats why they even reworked scatter, because people complained that he could potentially oneshot a tank.

People are lying to themselves if they think they prefer dying over getting hacked.

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It doesn’t have to make sense, this is a game not a math theorem.

Death is outplayed, stuns are stacked and then you died without outplay. That’s the perception, that’s how it plays.

Nerf CC, buff Sombra. Let’s go.

One crap does not make another crap less crappier.

No, I’m playing the game and experiencing it through tank gameplay, and from that perspective, even Doomfist’s insta gib combos aren’t as bad as excessive CC.

You want Sombra to have any semblance of any healthy pick rates, you go with less annoying and more effective, otherwise she remains in the gutter where she doesn’t trouble anyone with her AoE silence and right click that makes tanks walking ult batteries.

I honestly feel like a spread deduction is an “Ok” direction to go, as I always wanted some form of spread deduction so that rewards players whom can aim with her be rewarded.

As of right now, it is only on the experimental testing server, so it might make it to live , it might not. The thing is that maybe a utility based DPS is not the role for her, as she been deemed that role ever since she came out, and her stats as always been one of the lowest since launch.

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where is this weapon buff? anyone got patch note link?

That is not the issue of her fundamental design. That problem exists because the devs never gave her a fair chance of being viable.
For most of the time she was a buggy mess.

Then they eventually fixed it and buffed her. Pros complained, so they insta nerfed her making her buggy again.
Then eventually came the infinite duration patch which took away some her skill ceiling ceiling for making stealth braindead to use.

Then they nerfed EMP and hack.

Then they changed translocator cooldown start and negated that with an overall cooldown nerf.

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10% spread reduction

Sadly I think they’d rather have this than make it easier for follow up on her hack.

Cant wait for the first complains about getting killed by Sombra from stealth and the devs rolling out stealth nerfs to negate what they accomplished with the spread buff.


I’d honestly trade infinite stealth for more movement speed. I’d rather they do that.

Almost all the Sombra players i talk to want the infinite stealth reverted and rather have a recourse meter system with more speed.


Agreed. Its nice, but the other elements of her kit weigh her down enough to make the change useless in a sense

Either nothing will happen, or OWL will complain again and get her nerfed…again

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I cant tell how much the impact is. Experimental is simply not representitive. It plays like quickplay.

But if the buff is any good, people will complain. All the talk about prefering to die over getting hacked doesnt matter anymore then.

I wish a hacked target gained some sort of skull above their head so you could see it better, and it stay for the whole duration :ghost:

On the money. Sombra’s biggest problem is that she is more team dependent than her DPS counterparts. And in lower elos where coordination is weaker, it shows.

Any “buffs” she’d get should help her consistency and follow-up.

Think of when Kephrii (the widow dude) was in Korean Contenders. During a Dorado match Kephrii was defending on the highground above the first checkpoint and saw that a Genji (or Winston I forget) was flanking on the left. Being that his teammates didn’t speak a lick of english, Kephrii popped his Infrasights so his team could SEE the incoming flank.

You see where I’m going here?

He’s on a professional team where coordination lets team depndent heroes shine but was forced to pop an ultimate because of a language barrier.

That’s Sombra.

Imagine if when Sombra hacked a target in addition to your team being able to see if they have Ult, they will gain her oppurtunist passive for the next 20 seconds on that target.

This is what she needs. Changes that make her easy to coordinate and follow up with. What better way to do that than being able to literally SEE her hacks and target priorties.

Not hack duration or Machine pistol buffs

I brought this up when Sombra’s first overhaul took place. The fix is VERY simple. She gains more damage done to her hacked target. Simple, easy peasy, and it would be totally fine and not overpowered in the least.

So, for example, whatever the devs are thinking about buffing her damage by (10% for example) they would instead give her hacked target a 10% increase in damage taken FROM SOMBRA ONLY.