Sombra buff is the wrong way to go about it

I really appreciate that the dev team is finally looking at her and admits that she needs a real buff.
However, i dont think buffing her weapon is the way to do it.

Sombra is a utility dps. She trades less lethality for being able to disable heroes. Having low damage is her drawback which balances her out.

Some people claim hack is unfun and that should be weaker and instead they should buff her gun. If they buff her gun, she kills you more often, which makes you go back to spawn, where you cant do anything. Not use abilities, not shoot, not contest not participate at all.

In what way is that better than getting hacked? Hack is a kill set up, but nowhere near as effective as a kill itself.

Its completely unlogical to think thats more fun, balanced or fair or whatever.

In my humble opinion of being a Sombra main for over 3 years now, i think they should have left her weapon as it is, maybe allow her to reload during translocating, but other than that they should rather adress her downtime and hack visualization issue.

Things i personally would have looked at first.

  • timer skull on hacked targets
  • wall hacks for the team on hacked targets
  • higher base movement speed
  • maybe exchange some of her health with shield health which recovers passively

These reduce downtime and make coordination and team follow up easier to execute.
She is fundamentally designed as a teamwork hero.

Making her weapon better just brings people to play her as a stealth assassine.


They could totally do that, just because.

Throw in some teamwide voicelines for “They are hacked, go shoot them”.

Maybe a voiceline for “I’m about to use my ultimate, get ready and follow me”


The timer skulls are a request which is repeatedly mentioned in forum suggestions since her release. Its beyond me why that isnt a thing yet and we have to keep asking for it.


First time I’ve heard making them into timers.

I’m think Bayonetta WitchTime from Smash Ultimate.

Or Guilty Gear 2020 Roman cancels

They always have been timers. If you look at them, their purple skin slowly runs downwards. Thats the timer.

Wanting players to use her utility to her full potential would be great! Unfortunately and the reality is in a ranked environment you don’t see the coordination required to get that value. So instead of hoping it will somehow change they add some extra fire power so she feels a bit better to play for the average Joe.

It’s the wrong choice for utility but the right choice for owl and new balance

Individual play and nix utilities

They probably will need to nerf emp after

They already did nerf EMP and hack. This is basically the attempt at a compensation buff.


They literally cant buff something else dude, again: She DISABLES skills.

Take into account the FACTS:
1- Hack is not HARD to pull off, its not an aim reliant skill nor a projectile, etc
2- Once a hero is disabled, unless his/her M1 is powerful, you are pretty much at the expense of your own position and help of your team.
3- If you buff invisibility timers (going in and out faster) its almost a like fighting a “perma stun” rogue. Not fun and has almost ZERO counters.
4- Hack is already powerful so doing ANY buffs (like disabling more things) would be insane.

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I not only disagree, but feel this is the exact right way to go for her.

What they dont want is for her to be a TF2 spy, or to continually pull her away from her team. By giving her weapon distance, it means that she isnt off wandering, making her team engage in 5v6 fights while she seeks an opportunity.

She can be more valuable behind a shield and on an approach, with her team, and it doesnt affect her CQC power when she hacks someone and already has the advantage, or enable her to drop invisible close to someone for the advantage.

To improve her winrate, she needs to be more motivated to play with her team, and giving her room to maneuver while sticking with her team by dropping spread is a very positive change.

I have to agree. We’ve tried every aspect of her kit for buffs. Just buff her gun at this point. It’s what holds her back the most. If she remains dps she needs to at least keep up with the averages.

Completely disagree. With tighter spread i can get away with stealth assassine missions, i previously wouldnt even have attempted to do.

That buff is the opposite of making her a team work based hero.

They will do so more. Somba is and has been fairly lethal
She just needed that aim to be rewarded. This is why I didn’t like the initial dmf buff.

I don’t think they will let her stay lethal but I don’t think they will nerf invisibility.

So it’ll be emp and hack

I think this is the point…they literally said so

Sombra is bad right now. Which is why she needs a buff. Any further nerfs just kill her again.
Sombra haters might want that, but its not the reasonable thing to do from a balance perspective.


I’d also like to see less cloak / decloak time needed for invis and maybe 5sec translocator

I also think the spread reduction is not needed. Very small buff up close, decent ult charge method at mid range… And that’s it

We take it but… Not even close of what she needs

(Seriously we’ve been getting spread reduction buffs since forever. They’ll eventually make sombra a hitscan)

I think that it’s never mattered for her because she’s annoying for owl

She works against the faves

And best counters are the boring heroes.

So nerf the Mexican :woman_shrugging:t5: and make her sombra 76

I think those are some great changes, especially for people new in the game. Would cost Blizzard some money to record the voices for every language, but maybe throwing those lines when the VAs are recording for OW2 should be less costly.

Yeah this does nothing for sombra. Still dealing with the same issues. One source of damage and it’s this little nerf gun. Nothing she can do to armor. Nothing she can do to double barrier. Same issues as before.

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Dont get me wrong. This actually buffs her, but in the wrong way. You get away playing her as a stealth assassine more often.

That’s some irony, since her kit is literally designed to punish that specific rotating barrier issue. If CC wasn’t so prevalent and low-investment these days, she’d actually be super good against that comp.

Also, I think they should just remove RMB hack and give her something else to do. It’s tying up too much hero power to have both a single target and AOE version of the same effect on a hero.

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