Sombra buff and what blizz should consider

I’m not gonna write a huge paragraph justifying my ideas, we all know Sombra needs some kind of buff, she is so bad right now and I have 148 hours on her, and still I can’t play her.

Machine Pistol
Fire rate increased from 20 rounds ps to 35 rounds ps.
Ammo decreased to 50.

Cooldown increased to 10s
Hack duration increased from 5s to 6.5s.

I dont want all these changes, but atleast one would help.

The problem with your suggestions is that you give compensation nerfs for the buffs,something Sombra does not need and has never needed. Sombra is already one of the worst heroes on the ladder. 0.44% pickrate/43% winrate.

Buff one ability,sure,but the compensation nerf will just put her in the same place where she is right now.

I’d rather Blizzard rework her instead. I don’t know what would be the best idea that wouldn’t let Doomfist,Hammond and some other heroes run around without a proper counter,but I’m open to suggestions.


The problem I see it doesn’t really fix any of her more importand Problem.

  • Downtime/Slowness

What it does fix is mid fight usefullness outside of EMP but only the gun buff
And btw thats WAAAAAAY to big of a buff there. 35rps would mean 280 dps (20rps are 160dps) and Tracer with her two guns only has 240 dps but tracer has both the bigger spread and the shorter falloff.

If you really want a good Sombra buff don’t touch her Weapon or Hack but buff stealth and TL Rework how they are working even here is an example for stealth: