Sombra about to break the meta

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Seems like it might be time to use D.Va. She can boost and boop to peel for a healer. I guess anti-sniper will be Sombra’s role. It used to be D.Va and Winston until dev’s decided to put dive out to pasture.

Sombra will not be able to contest the Objective while in her infinite stealth form. Also her movement speed is reduced from 75% buff to 50%. This might be fun. But I just hope bad Sombra’a just don’t fool around in the backline or something.

Thank you, dude. Much appreciated :+1:

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I wouldnt even be mad if Torb got a higher pickrate due to Somba. Drop turret in the backline, have supports chill nearby, turret shoots sombra before she can hack supports. Hmmmm…

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Wait what?

Is this a new PTR thing?

It’s a teaser for the Sombra changes/rework they’ve been developing:

Exactly. We haven’t seen anything yet because there is nothing to see for now.
I think we shouldn’t jump on conclusion before she will be playable.

I don’t want an other direct express nerf on live without PTR first, because some people imagine in their heads her being OP and dictating a META.

Dva is one of sombras main threats when it comes to stealth. Just keep spraying with infinite ammo

As a sombra main she will still be a niche pick. Some comps, particulary tank heavy comps, she doesnt do well against

I play a lot of sombra and i don’t think this change would make her that much better. As she is now, invis+translocator last for more than enough time to be able to do sombra things and people still can’t figure her out. Her machine pistol has better spread and people still can’t get picks. All this change will do is make emp way easier to pull off and coordinate with your team. As for everything else, you still need to shoot stuff which will take you out of invis just like before. There is only one way to make people play her more and that is to up her dps by making her machine pistol do more damage, which i hope they never do. All people know is to shoot stuff but I think she is perfect as is if you know how to play her.

I’m actually real excited about this. This game has been so anti Tracer with all these hero changes and additions. I hope this changes this brain dead meta.

Personally I love being able to destroy your own locator. SO useful. I think this will be balanced. She can help against Brigette and Reinhardt through hacks, but the armor means she really needs teamplay to capitalize on it. This playstyle takes immense discipline to play effectively.

These changes aren’t going to do anything for her, mate.

I’ve thought about that but what if u are needed to deal with high ground Threats.

Nah Sombra is still garbage. Blizz buffer some things with her, but also nerfed her as a side effect. People weren’t having problems attacking the right targets from behind, but that’s what Blizz thought to buff… that’s dumb.

nah you’re right, imo she will not be overpowered and at best her pick rate will go up by a few %

You are right. People shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Also infistealth Sombra is playable right now in PTR and personally I didn’t see much change at all, one way or another. Its more easier to play Sombra in a cool way but it doesn’t really make her that much stronger… (except maybe in deathmatch)

ps. Hammond seems “very cool to play but very unfun for the enemy team” kind of character…