don’t forget, it still takes her 7 years to unstealth while shouting BEAN HERE ALL ALONG.
real question (since, y’know, “competitive discussion”), what is it about the changes that’ll make sombra OP? you say she can hack tanks easier, and I think you’re right about that, but you should probably have two tanks anyway and one can cover for the other during the hack right? plus they’re not buffing her damage, so she can spend an entire game in the backline for all I care, it won’t matter if she can’t secure kills.
plus, we have a bunch of wallhack stuff in the game already to combat her invis (hanzo’s sonic, widow’s ult, sombra’s passive, zen’s discord), and sym and torb turrets placed in good spots interrupt her hack, so it’s not like sombra will just do whatever she wants without counterplay.
disclaimer: I suck at this game and could be completely wrong
If they put this live, there’s one thing that must be done. Sombra should not be able to capture, contest or move the payload while in stealth.
Otherwise your entire team will have to spray and pray to detect her. Imagine how hard it is to hit a Lucio bounding around a payload, and you can see him. Now make him invisible. That’s the new Sombra, longer objective time than the existence of the universe.
This concern was already answered by geof . "Sure. These changes started by seeing how far we could push the duration of her Stealth and Translocator abilities. As we pushed them out, it allowed her to play more and more as an scout/infiltrator for your team and also allowed her more time to pick and choose when and where she popped out to ambush her enemies.
So now she has infinite duration on both Stealth and Translocator, but we had to solve a couple problems that were caused by these changes. For one, she needed to be able to destroy the translocator, or it would often be stuck in some place she didn’t want it to be. To that end, you can now destroy it by looking towards it and pressing the Interact key. Also, Stealth giving you 75% bonus movement speed forever was… a bit strong. This bonus has been lowered to 50%. In addition, she can no longer contest objectives while in Stealth, since she that would just be super frustrating with infinite duration.
These changes are really interesting for her as now she is in complete control over when she reveals herself, allow her to time her hacks better for her team, or go for a back line ambush during a critical moment in a team fight.
I’m going to call it right now, it’s going to be terrible.
Your bad Sombra players will just sort of roam the level being 100% worthless and camping for 2+ team fights as they wait for some single pick off.
Your better Sombra players will be yet one more in long line of annoying heroes that make no one want to play tank/support anymore.
lowering once again the impact of tanks as the game as they +1 yet another form of being disabled so they can’t do anything in game. Great /rolleyes/…
The only plus I can see is she might become a decent anti-sniper hero. A nice fit for teams that need anti-sniper but don’t want to do sniper vs sniper and/or just lose sniper vs sniper. Ok, then run a Sombra at the sniper all round. Being most maps don’t really have 100% sniper only perch areas.
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Seems like it might be time to use D.Va. She can boost and boop to peel for a healer. I guess anti-sniper will be Sombra’s role. It used to be D.Va and Winston until dev’s decided to put dive out to pasture.
Sombra will not be able to contest the Objective while in her infinite stealth form. Also her movement speed is reduced from 75% buff to 50%. This might be fun. But I just hope bad Sombra’a just don’t fool around in the backline or something.
I wouldnt even be mad if Torb got a higher pickrate due to Somba. Drop turret in the backline, have supports chill nearby, turret shoots sombra before she can hack supports. Hmmmm…
I play a lot of sombra and i don’t think this change would make her that much better. As she is now, invis+translocator last for more than enough time to be able to do sombra things and people still can’t figure her out. Her machine pistol has better spread and people still can’t get picks. All this change will do is make emp way easier to pull off and coordinate with your team. As for everything else, you still need to shoot stuff which will take you out of invis just like before. There is only one way to make people play her more and that is to up her dps by making her machine pistol do more damage, which i hope they never do. All people know is to shoot stuff but I think she is perfect as is if you know how to play her.