Sombars hack shouldn't hack through walls

This Sombar sounds brutally OP. Hopefully she never goes live.


Sombar is related to Sombra. A top tier banker and accountant, Sombar can use her money to buy cool abilities and trinkets. Think old school torb collecting scrap, but with fat stacks of paper.

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Yeah, this Sombars hero guy sounds OP!
Sombra should be jealous, she can’t hack through walls! :’(


to be fair, hack is kinda weird.
ive hacked some people after slightly losing los.
same can happen with moira

She cant hack through walls. As long as she has LoS she keeps hacking.

The reason people get confused is that her hack line visuals can clip through walls because they always lock to the center of your hitbox. But just because the center is covered doesnt mean your entire hitbox is covered.

If part of your shoulder is still peaking around the corner, that counts as having LoS.


Her los rules are perfect there are 4 major thing that make it seem like it goes through walls

  • perspective
  • latancy
  • fts
  • Hitboxes

Here is a post I made with Workshop tests for more details:

Some hitboxes are bigger then the models which leads to hacks going though even if the model is fully covered but thats very rare and a problem with the hitboxes not hack


Well she does not “hack through” walls any more than people shoting behind corners, it all comes down to the “favor the shooter” mechanic in the game to allow low spec people to play the game on “fair” terms. 128-tick servers would make a huge difference and playing on lan servers there would be no such thing as shooting through walls, or at least less of it, blizzards hit boxes are notoriously bad as well.

Get a ping less that 100 and then post again about the subject.

This was previously an issue around season 1 of OWL and it was resolved. Currently she doesn’t hack behind walls unless a proportion of you is still showing despite the camera already being behind the corner

So you come here to complain about something which, suprise, isn’t actually a thing. Then say you won’t even bother reading comments proving you’re wrong. Yup, checks out.


Primary fire: Shot gun
Sombar uses a pump-action shotgun to blast enemies with shots of tequila.

Ability 1: Punch Drunk
Sombar strikes enemies with her moonshine-soaked fists, inflicting an intoxication status that causes her opponents to stagger in randomized patterns.

Ability 2: On The House
Sombar deploys an alcoholic beverage to all enemies within a 15m-radius AOE, inflicting them with dizziness and double vision that makes it appear that hack goes through walls.

Ultimate: Last Call
Sombar closes and locks all entryways granting access to the point.

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Imagine having 300 ping and complaining about “hack going through walls”

Can’t relate

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You’re just begging to be constantly hacked then. If it’s a “skill shot” then it will be uncounterable, is that really what you want?

300? I stop playing if it gets over 70, typically it’s 30-40 for me.

Mine is like around 60. I was guessing the OP had 300, heheh.

Yeah, that’s what some people don’t understand… Literally every ability goes through walls occasionally due to latency. It has nothing to do with design or balance.

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How do I get to the forum heroes select screen? Please help. I want to rank up.

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Sombra’s hack absolutely goes through walls as it stands. It, in theory is a LOS, however there is a small falloff in favor of the shooter (Sombra), just like Sym’s old beam. Mercy’s beams and Lucio’s ult work similarly, however those are nowhere near as devastating and upsetting as a low cooldown, zero aim spammable ability which removes your whole kit.

Hack should have solely direct LOS, and should be a skill shot, at the very least, if Sombra is going to exist as she does.

Ask around, I hear they are played a lot, so it can’t be all that hard :slight_smile:

No they don’t work the same as Sombra’s, AND they don’t work the same as each other either.

With mercy beam doesn’t disconnect for 1.4(?) seconds. You can be teled across the map, and still maintain connection (which was funny with old Sym tele)

Lucio’s ult does LOS checks after a few moments after it is first activated, or when you hit the floor (whichever is last). So, you can hit the floor quickly by doing it on a ramp up, and THEN get into LOS for the effect to kick off.

Sombra is LOS for the entire time, the moment it is out of the large hit circle the hack attempt is lost.

You can test these in the training room.

These two are/were supposed to go around corners for a certain amount of time, so it’s not the same. Hack only has direct LOS. If it appears that you get hacked behind a wall, it was usually a matter of latency/favor the shooter and you would’ve gotten killed if it was a one-shot from any other hero instead.

You’re asking hack to become more oppressive for the upper half of the playerbase and be even less useful for the lower half of the playerbase. Hack is very restrictive to use around people who are aware of their surroundings (and can aim). Making it a skill shot would remove this issue for Sombra.