SOLUTION: Just remove the role queue

I said stop wasting my time.


Sure, but how salty was the water? Does the salt content of that water reflect the salt content of all the water? Nope, not by a long shot.


Point 2. Agenda bias.


You are the one wasting your time here.

Look, people went looking to find counter evidence, and they LITERALLY came up empty, I know, I was one of them, because I was interested to see all sides of the data set so I could make a datavis.

however, a datavis showing an OVERWHELMING set in favor, all very similar, didnā€™t make for a lot of interesting chats.

They all turned into this, with one person who didnā€™t understand stats saying they had to be wrongā€¦


Make all the datasets you want, only blizz know the numbers and see what is going on. The point is, we can only wait and see what happens.

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Thatā€™sā€¦not how statistics works.


True, but we were not measuring saltyness.

Go look at the search function and type some words, and look at the results.

Why? people both for and AGAINST made polls.

Agenda bias would point to the people who didnā€™t like roleQ would make polls which wouldnā€™t get approval.

There was a lot of biased questions on both sides, BUT, the results EVEN with those were the same.

Which shows a STRONG signal.

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So you think polls are more accurate when taken from a biased demographic?


Yes we are. Measuring wetness would be stupid and pointless.

Uninterested parties tend to be indifferent.

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To show that, you must show that the forums, r/Overwatch, and r/overwatchuniversity would all have the same bias, because, they came up with the same results.

Google Trends ALSO came up with a signal which showed people liked roleQ.\

The Devā€™s ALSO said people like roleQ.

Now, that is a lot for it, and what do the people against it have? well, lots of nothing, so they try to dismiss all of the data, some of which, they collected.

This is NOT a fight you can take in good faith. there is a bucketload of evidence, and it ALL points the same way.

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Never :no_entry_sign:

You have to have reason/evidence that its biased. You canā€™t say ā€œwell you donā€™t know if its biased or not so your poll is invalid.ā€ Its valid until you have reason to believe its not. Also, as someone else pointed out before, the sheer number of polls, all saying the same thing, provides a massive sample size of people, and that many people weed out bias. Its statistical science, I majored in it in college.


Well, role queue isnā€™t the problem here.

People arenā€™t going to enjoy playing tanks or support if they donā€™t associate with the role or heroes. Better yet, tanks and supports require teamwork to be successful. It didnā€™t help a lot when your main tank would go another dps after first failed push. That happened way more than people who are against role lock like to admit. I donā€™t like role queue personally. Itā€™s because matches are way more stressful than normal as main tank. Especially so many people smurfing.

However, reverting role queue wonā€™t make it any better. Not to mention wonā€™t happen.

Only thing Iā€™d say: some heroes are overtuned (You had to buff rein significantly against cc to make him viable) and shouldā€™ve gone through more changes for role lock. Apart from that, you canā€™t complain.

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Yeah, you canā€™t do that so the polls are inaccurate.

Literally 2 days after they released RQ, while people were testing it outā€¦

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That isnā€™t how it works.

YOU are making the claim that all these different groups are biased, in the same way.

It is NOW on you to show that, because sure as hell, no one else can see how that works.

And, and later.

But again, the feedback from the PTR, was crazy positive.

That May be expected, as people who like roleQ are more likely to get on there to test it.

But, in saying that, it was the BIGGEST set of people they EVER had on PTR.


Why? Iā€™m not the one trying to collect an accurate data sample, you are.

Not if itā€™s the same people answering the polls, which in all likelihood, it would be.

I donā€™t believe that for a second.


I do. Iā€™d also believe you didnā€™t take stats courses.

Oh, yeah, we also did a sentiment analysis on the forums, again, same thing. Pro roleQ stuff was massively upvoted. Anti wasā€¦ less soā€¦

But lets go to google trends.

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Itā€™s on you because itā€™s your data. You gotta prove the balance of your sample group to show your statistics are accurate to a reasonable degree (which election polls show us it never is accurate even when done by professional groups).


As a tank and support player, i completely disagree. Games are MUCH more balanced and fun now.


But mostly they are. Like yeah, there is one or 2 REALLY bad results, but that is why we have confidence intervals.

ok, lets go look at google trends.

here we go. have a look at this.

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Not in my country. Initial polls have always been wildly inaccurate when compared to actual election results.