Solo Tanks and Supports

Despite having a DPS-heavy player population Overwatch is imposing role parity and wrecking queue times (inevitably matchmaking quality to compensate) because solo tanking or healing isn’t fun. Why not address the problem at its root as opposed to trying to cut the DPS excess of players? Pick groups of main tanks and supports and buff them into solo use. These heroes already exist and a number, namely shield tanks, are already a necessity that create further headaches when stacked. Make them more fun to play, even if by virtue of greater power. Restrict their use to one per team each, relax general restrictions. Enable players to play the DPS and hybrid heroes they prefer.

imagine having a rein with 900 hp coming at you?
Imagine the amount of balancing they have to do.
Imagine the amount of redesigning essentially making overwatch a different game.
Imagine doing all of that because some people cant wait.
Sorry ma dude alot of people dont like 4 dps or 3 dps comps
Even some dps dislike it as well.


Solo tanking blows period end of sentence


huh… even though i don’t think 4-1-1 is the way to go but i do wonder how the game would end up being if they tried to balance the game around the concept

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1-4-1 isn’t even necessary. All variations of 1-3-2 and 2-2-2 could be a big improvement, which is doable too. You just get rid of role queue, which gets rid of these queue times apparently affecting even supports, and apply a few restrictions at hero select.

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Wow going for rude and prejudice comments now I see.

  1. Almost alot of the population likes RoleQue believe it or not. Because if alot of people didnt like RoleQue as you make it seem, blizzard wouldve reverted it. And like you said most of those people ARE DPS
  2. The fact you think, its ok to ruin and redesign overwatch for alot of people just so you get faster queues, showcases how much of an ego manic you are. Thinking about yourself only

There are others who play this game n dont want it to fully change. Fully changing the game for some people is called Idiocrisy and hence why it has not been implemented.

  1. you are not a game developer and thank goodness you are not
  2. You are going to get reported for this comment
  3. I am probably much older than you stop it with the non original insults please
  4. Redesigning the game to be 4-1-1 will need to rework the whole tank and support class and send out a large balance patch for dps
    No thanks
    As said before thank god you are not a developer

It’s prejudiced.

Can you further explain the phrase “almost alot”? By the way, it’s a lot. Alot is a dumb animal someone on the internet came up with, and it doesn’t exist.

It took them a very short amount of time to start play-testing 1-3-2, according to the game director.

As are possibly most of the people who play this game. Certainly a plurality.

By the way, you have to absolutely savor the mental maturity of Overwatch players. You propose making tank and support heroes intentionally OP and they accuse you of being an “ego manic” as you’re trying to reconcile the realities of the game and the different kids playing it.


I am at least older than 10. Perhaps you should look up the word defer in the dictionary and respect your elders, although you make 30 look like fossil fuel age.

That is not a good thing.

I know you have trouble reading, but 4-1-1 isn’t my present aim. 2-2-2 and 3-2-1 in all varieties is with no burden on queue times. Only a handful of heroes need to be reworked, which I may be able to do in several hours if the settings included a common sense range of options for tweaking heroes. You are totally unfit to speculate on what would require what and most of all to be a game developer. I’ve been around this game for a long time. The actual game developers have a highly questionable history themselves and who knows what sort of sophistry they’re mired in.

As does sitting in queue for many more players. Amusingly there even appears to be some sort of problem with games not starting and players being returned to queues, and quickplay seems hurt by the queues given mid-match filling. The current solution for the minority of players who end a sentence in “period end of sentence” without the actual period at the end of the sentence seems comically inappropriate. There is also obviously no reasoning with such people. The compromises are made where reasonable discourse evaluating different interests and possibilities occurs.


They already tried catering to tanks and supports, both groups combined are dwarves by dps players. So now, they are trying the reverse. And unfortunately for you, it will work this time because numbers are on their side for once.

I wouldn’t go guessing what the developers would do. In fact, the safe bet is they won’t do much of anything. I’m not so sure DPS players dwarf tanks and supports combined either but they may be a majority.

As is the standard for games with similar queue systems. Horde players can wait 20+ minutes for LFR or LFD or battlegrounds, especially as DPS. It’s a natural deal, and yes–there are 3 DPS slots for a dungeon of 5 people. There are up to 15 slots for DPS in a raid of 20. It still happens. Trying to warp tank balance around it especially when that affects the gameplay experience rather than the “I don’t want to do something else while I queue” experience isn’t fair, regardless of the tanks being the “minority”. Tanks already get the balancing short end of the stick and the hero pool short end of the stick.

Not even to mention that reworking off-tanks–the majority of tank players at that–into DPS for this convoluted “hehe let’s make DPS queues shorter” strategy is only gonna force more players into that DPS queue. Solo tanking is going to force a hefty chunk of the remaining tank players into doing something else. The tank pool will be, what, Orisa, Reinhardt, Winston, Sigma, and maybe Hammond if he’s not somehow shunted into DPS? Wow, look at those options. I can’t even count them on one hand–oh wait, I can. No one’s gonna let D.Va be a solo tank, so she’s gotta go DPS. Maybe you can finagle Zarya. Hog isn’t gonna be a tank. It’s not going to lower DPS queue times in the end.
A minority of the players play the meta. We still balance around the meta. A minority–albeit a close minority–of Mercies did severe hide and rez. We still got rid of it.
Nuking the tanking experience because “my queues need to be catered to” is rude.

hehe grammar argument

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Would still die in less then 6 seconds tho…

How does a “compromise” between 2/2/2 and 1/3/2 look though?
1 1/2 Tanks, 2 1/2 DPS?

There isn’t any space left for compromises between the 2 options that are on the table.

How exactly did they cater to tanks and supports?
Did I miss anything important?

222 was basically so that they would neva eva EVAH have to solo tank/support again (or be balanced around triple stacking) and tanks are throwing a hissy fit because they are losing that luxury and that is unacceptable. Dps be damned.

Not really, it is more to do with they don’t want to be the focus of all 6 enemies and if they die for the fight to be lost. That is a lot of added pressure that having 2 tanks currently alleviates. If you read the post jeff wrote, some tanks actually really enjoyed 132, but some also felt the pressure was too much. Here is the post:

Of course reactions are all over the place, so some tanks are throwing a hussy fit, but others (like me) are open to the idea. I still think it has a lot of negatives, but if 132 could solve queue time issues and not drastically change how most tanks work, I would accept it easily.

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We would have to adjust all tanks and probably some DPS as well.

2-2-2 already brought in a lot of pressure into the game, if we switch it up to solo tanking, it’s even more work and more time to adjust it, how long only Blizz knows but some heroes haven’t been adjusted for 2-2-2 yet even though it has been 3 months… Consider every tank would need hefty changes, that’s 8 harsh changes right there.

And all that for something that could go either way, because I ain’t queueing for solo tanking and I think that’s a shared sentiment among the community. If make that the default, queue times could not change at all or even get worse.

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It will maybe shave 2-3 minutes of queue but it would require drastic changes to at least half the tanks to work.

I believe you’re posting in the wrong thread, bud. It’s like you just read the title without the single paragraph at the start.

Split main tanks and main supports into sub-roles of heroes to be buffed so they can solo their roles. Cap of one main tank and one main support per team. Team selection restrictions of at least one hero per role (tank, DPS, support) and at most three heroes per role. No role queues. All varieties of 3-2-1 and 2-2-2 compositions are possible.

Even that is useful

Maybe, although hammond was already run without a second tank before role queue, Rein, Orisa, and Winston wouldn’t need major changes, Sigma would need some power shifting towards defense maybe, and the other 3 would need reworked into dps. That is my vision of how it could go, but it is limited in perspective as I only have my own experience to draw from

Well Jean I said “solo tanking isn’t fun period end of sentence”. I understand that you said “lets make solo tanking fun by making tanks raid bosses” essentially. I’m saying not only is solo tanking not fun but also reworking and limiting an entire class that already has like 8 heroes even more isn’t fair, bud.