Like I said. Without gameplay, we can only give garbage general advice. And the thing is, that information is already out there and has been said a thousand times. Yet they post here without a vod and private profiles and somehow expect something different and new. What more do you expect? The only answer if you post here without something specific I can help with is exactly what I posted.
But what usually happens is this.
“How can I get better?”
“Here’s some general advice, but post a video of your gameplay, and we can try to help.”
“But throwers and smurfs!”
“Post a video of your gameplay, and we can try to help.”
The fact of the matter is that these people are not willing to accept that they will need to take this game more seriously than just boot up and mindlessly play (which there’s absolutely nothing wrong with) in order to improve if they haven’t climbed naturally in quite some time. They want to read some magical tip that will shoot them straight to GM without requiring them to do anything different.
As for why I didn’t offer to review that person’s vod… Quite frankly, I probably didn’t feel like it that day. But I put it in the list. If they seriously want to improve, they can find somebody to review their vod. It’s really as simple as posting a thread here or on /r/overwatchuniversity or finding a coaching Discord through a quick Google search. Or they could have asked, “Hey, do you know where I can get a vod reviewed?”
And must I remind you of what that OP replied?
Once again. He’s not looking for actual help. He wants validation or the magical quick tip that does not exist.
It’s kind of like someone asking for help losing weight and getting the answer “eat healthier and exercise more” then arguing with it. Like dude, that’s the answer. There’s more to it if you want to look into it, and you can do that with somebody knowledgeable about it, but that’s the gist of it. Without asking specific questions, you won’t get specific answers.