Soldier ridiculously broken

yep yep pretty much everything you said is right. I love playing tank but yeah it is very strong. I do think ppl underestimate DPS role tho, bc when you have ppl like that pharah player holding top 10 spots it does mean that dps can carry very well! otherwise he wouldn’t hold those spots.

in regards to tracer with double shield, i actually only found ot recently its a decent strat, this guys a great youtuber he explains the whole thing really well:

shes not the best but she’s great in mirror matchups basically, which is surprising since usually brig/bap is played!


The power creep is the most extreme.

Barely a year ago he used to need to burst fire to have any sort of accuracy and had a helix every 8 seconds.

Now he can fire continually without any break in firing and shoot a helix every 6 seconds, and a larger magazine.

It’s not like he was bad before, he was firmly in the middle of the pack in pickrate and overall in the top-5 most picked Damage Heroes.

Why do they give buff after buff after buff to a hero who is doing well but the least-picked Damage Heroes get ignored for YEARS!


I mean literally, that is about what it amounts to. It’s absurd relative to other DPS.

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The only nerf I think he needs is an ammo reduction.

Then we agree he’s overtuned. However, I think his Helix on top of Baby’s First Recoil is a bit much too. Look, I am complaining less about directly fighting him as he ridiculously easy he is to get value from.

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A little, but he’s not severely overtuned.

While he can do alot with his kit he’s still mediocre compared to the top tier dps that can insta-melt majority of the cast.

He’s alright but he’s middle of the pack like Genji.

You have a lot of counter play abilities and heroes that can just dive on him up close or out range him with better consistent burst dmg.

Is anyone else kinda happy to see a thread about S76 being op?

Soldier was bad for such a long time, so it’s nice to know that he’s causing a bit of havoc again

I knew he was going to be a lil bit of a problem, so I’m not surprised. For me he is one of the best Moira counters and can heal himself too. So I was rather nervous when I heard about more buffs to him.


I wouldn’t call him middle of the pack at all. He’s got a nearly 55% win rate in GM now with the second highest DPS pick rate.


Soldier is slightly overtuned at best, he doesn’t dictates the meta, it’s still the tanks and supports.

Light years is a measurement of distance, not time. :tf:

I mean you didn’t really give a reason so why should we.

Yeah but winrate without context doesn’t say much.

Cause out of the 16 DPS he’s not in the top 5 in my opinion.

If you are killing it on Soldier there are just way better tools you could be using to get max value.

I don’t know where you would put him. I’d say he’s in the middle as a solid B tier to C tier choice dependent on how many counters the enemy is running as well as the map.

I think he’s good but definitely not a must pick or force you to swap

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When he’s got that high of a winrate AND pickrate, in GM, that says he’s definitely more than mid-tier. Sure he doesn’t offer anything apart from consistent damage and a team heal, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

The stats don’t reflect this. This might have been true 3 months ago…

This is a feeling not reflective of the clear reality the stats show.

I notice you aren’t naming names though.on the DPS pyramid where is Soldier who are you putting him over.

Cause if you say he’s at the top of the pyramid you need to be drug tested.

I’m not saying he’s Reaper, Symmetra, Junkrat, or Bastion.

But I’ll concede the point if you tell me who he is over and who is over him that makes him what, 2nd? 3rd? 4th?


Yep this is another post by an “intellectually bronze, SR wise plat” tank main complaining about things he knows nothing about. Meanwhile if we actually watched this guy 1v1 a soldier main or hitscan main, we would have the comedy this fourm needs.

Of course soldier is easy to pick up, because everyone has prior experience playing him. That is true of litearlly everyone, even so called hard heroes like gengi, widow tracer etc.

“Bro even the streamers admit” most streamers do not say that soldier is overtuned in GM, which is how the game is balanced. If they do say that they are trolling, or just biased tank main. Most owl pros, if you go into their streams and ask them (and I have done this) will say soldier is fine normal.

Pros saying that soldier is overtuned doesn’t make sense anyways, since he was basically not played on this patch in favor of tracer/McCree/Ashe, and even torb.

Bro even the streamers and pros admit he’s over-tuned. Most of the people here admit it, and for the skill for value it’s clear. You literally just jumped in and issued insults with no context or knowledge, wtg.

You keep on believing that nonsense, I will remind you of it and quote it when the nerf inevitably comes down.

Ok bro, go look at the owl pickrates, and keep thinking ur bronze nonsense. Don’t let reality burst your bubble.