Soldier ridiculously broken

Yall seen Echo? Or Bap?

Tracer has like 20x the pickrate of Soldier in T500/OWL


No one cares about OWL, or Top 500.

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maybe tracer during dive?

Well this is why you’ve got a biased opinion against Soldier, because if he isn’t overperforming in the high end, he’s not broken :woman_shrugging:


That is so far removed from where the bulk of players are it really is irrelevant. He is broken across the ladders tiers where the majority play and that’s what matters.

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While I understand wanting to balance for the mid-low ranks… it’d just be a merry-go-round of nerfs and buffs every single week.

Since Gold/Plat are the most condensed ranks, that means they have the most varied opinions. To think all of Plat agrees with you is… misguided to say the least.

I’ve seen Plat players call every single hero “Broken”… balancing what people want is difficult when there’s like a million of you and none of you agree with eachother.

It’s kinda the entire reason why you can only rely on the high end to balance the game.


76 is fine if you dive him. Ball and Winston proper dives will kill him. Dva can stave him off.

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Bro you always defend this line, and even Blizz doesn’t buy this nonsense.

They take seriously balancing even down to impact on Bronze.

Actually if we put it to a poll, I bet easily the majority do.

For the last time:

:clap: Blizzard :clap: Does :clap: Not :clap: Balance :clap: Only :clap: Top :clap: Down :clap:

They have indicated they don’t.

I have literally seen Top 500 and Pros declare every character “broken”, that literally means nothing in and of itself. Statistically, ya boi is broken on the ladder.


nice to see a poster with sense it is a rare commodity around here

Soldier is not tank and is not in meta, so people will not agree with you in this forum.

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I wouldn’t agree even if he was a meta tank.

I think the helix rockets cooldown should be 8 secs. again.

LOL that pretty much describes it. He’s just a Bastion that can run now.


Tracer has never defined a meta. She’s a complimentary pick to the tanks.

geez beyblade was so many light years ago

Possibly, but she’s always been incredibly strong in dive comps, and I think dive would be weaker without her, so in a way maybe? I guess by definition that is not defining the meta, but boosting it a huge amount?

Yes she synergizes with dive tanks. What DPS are you supposed to pick when your tanks pick dive? When non-dive tanks are meta, Tracer disappears. Hence debunking the whole “Tracer OP” logic these forums like to parrot. If true, she would define and drive the meta. She doesn’t. She’s also received very minimal changes since release.

well, she was played in a poke meta a while back (sigma ball tracer ashe mercy zen) I think around janurary? i guess that was kinda half dive tho, but mainly poke.

but i dont think ppl think she’s overtuned because she doesn’t fit in every meta, bc even overtuned heroes can be off meta. e.g launch doomfist, november baptiste

but yeah you’re right i guess she doesn’t drive the meta. I guess thats kinda the thing tanks/supports do tho

i agree that hes definitely on the stronger side recently, but i really dont mind him being the top dog as opposed to doomfist, tracer, echo or mcree

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I mean her #1 synergy is probably with Ball. So if she’s played in a Sigma + Ball meta then it’s not surprising to me. She’s not played in Sigma + Orisa as far as I’m aware. The reason being it is extremely hard to 1 clip people by herself (despite what forumers often say). It becomes much easier when ganging up with your dive tank. Hence the synergy.

But yes, tanks & supports typically drive the meta because tanks & supports are the characters that are OP. That’s why in an OQ environment, the strongest lineup features literally 0 DPS.

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