She should get a flat cooldown, on top of charge, for her RMB. Busted character. Like 5-7 seconds on rmb after use.
She’s a problem, but a problem they won’t solve until at least Widow, and maybe additionally Hanzo get solved.
I play her like a counter to Widow and Hanzo tbh…
Surprise more have not caught on. I use to dread Widows and Hanzos, now they get off them, LOL
Well, to me they are all poorly designed abominations.
And not just in a “Snipers bad” kind of way, but really digging deep in to how Overwatch uniquely gets Sniper gameplay so bad compared to Sniper gameplay in other FPS games.
I think the playerbase skill curve at the time is greatly abusing those two heroes.
But that is drastic to nerf a hero. That’s the problem with how and when they nerf. Let’s see if the meta will evolve first and if people can adapt.
So far me and a battle pal of mine have adapted to this new sniper like meta. He plays Pharah, I play Sojourn.
No issues. But it does require adaptation. Problem is Sojourn is a tricky character to play but so far I’m doing quite well with dueling snipers.
Her mobility to get ontop, her AOE to force them out of sniper positions. Her primary doesnt have fall off…or, doesnt appear to based from what I seen, and if it does its extremely far. Her right click can one shot widow with a BODY shot( also 40 yrd freaking range, if widow is scoped she is going night night!). i usually can set up and force the snipers to move and then kill them.
And best off all if the relocate i can pursue or slide over to get to them and kill them on high ground.
I’d prefer something more like this approach.
I be honest. I’m play Sojourn by going for body shots.
It’s more reliable. Considering aiming her primary and going to suddenly hitscan mode can be pretty jarring for me personally. Also because it needs to be charged up it is more wiser to go for a more guranteed body shot than a head shot.
I don’t know if others play this way? But generally I shoot out primary and then go for body shot. Generally if im engaging someone I charged my shot off on the enemy tank.
This seems the more effective way to play her.
I hope you aren’t forgetting that different games have different requirements. A sniper in TF2 might be designed perfectly, but the TF2 sniper might be terrible design for Valorant or something.
I’m not.
The qualification is “How enjoyable are the counterplay options that don’t involve counter sniping”.
Which is a pretty universal standard.
In Overwatch, the enjoyment quality of counterplay options that aren’t CounterSniping sucks.
Other games don’t have that problem.