Sojourn is just so disgustingly overpowered

Well let’s say you had a choice between these two nerfs, which would you prefer

A. Sojourn with 175hp
B. 20% less railgun damage, with a 2.5x headshot modifier

And maybe a quick description of why you would feel the choice is the better option.

I’d go with B, I think 175 health could potentially kill her viability in overwatch 2 due to it’s fast paced nature. If it did less bodyshot damage but kept around the same headshot damage it would definitely promote a lot more skill on her then is currently needed.

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I dont mean that they cant get kills, but most are not really heroes you can carry a match , as you could in beta 1 IF you were good enough. As carry potential was one of the things that was suppose to be the focus of in OW2.
No matter how good your mechanical skill , you cant hard carry anymore in beta 2.
The carry of the team is always the tank. And the supports which are the ones that make the other heroes shine.

These takes are when you are decent at these heroes but the enemy is also decent at stopping you from doing your job. Tank and supports with high sustain , etc.

76 is back to doing tickle damage.
McCree is trash. Hes only a left click machine. His ultimate is worst than in OW1. His grenade is worst than flash bang, fan of the hammer is useless and even less useful in OW2. He is worst than what he was in OW1, when he had a under 50% win rate.
Ashe is ok but her range is bad. Does tickle damage at range when she is suppose to be decent at that range. BOB is a NON factor now with sleep and necro orb.
Tracer is mostly an annoyance that does tickle damage now.
Bastion is better than OW1 Bastion but still meh.
Echo is ok but dies quickly and worst than OW1 echo with the ult nef.
Genji is actually ok only when played by a skilled Genji.
Hanzo is good still.
Junk is niche and ok in certain spots.
Mei is niche and ok vs certain enemy comps
Pharah is Pharah and will always be bottlenecked by Mercy.
Reaper got over nerfed.
Sombra is meh. Still doesn no damage outside a gimmick. Her ultimate sucks in OW2.
Sym is in rework limbo.
Torb is niche and ok in certain spots.
Widow is like Genji. ONLY good if played by a skilled player.
Sojourn at least rewards skill. And all the hitscan mains are only playing her now because all the other hitscans are not that good and got nerfed. If you are hitting shots you should pop off and carry. Only in the forums is that a bad thing. The only tweak she needs is maybe lowering her charge rate of her railgun. Thats it. And only by like 15-20%.
As usual any DPS hero that is popular, the forums want nerfed to the ground. Its a monthly habit round these parts. Especially with all the hitscan heroes.

DPS class now have a trash role passive as well.
When the other 2 classes have good always active role passives.

When comps starts , they will become even less useful as right now , because its all uncoordinated people messing around.
People dont understand this though. And think a DPS player hitting targets in quickplay means they are OP.

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Ill give you necro has in particular destroyed high noon.

It has destroyed a lot of DPS heroes and things they do in general.
Which is another overall nerf to the DPS class.


Neither. I’d rather see the timing of Rail Gun be more constrained, by having charge decay increasingly rapidly at higher amounts.

Rail Gun bodyshots are nothing to write home about. Sojourn charging up Rail Gun on a shield, then turning to stare down a flanker’s entry position and blow their head off 5 seconds later is what’s annoying. The amount of disconnect possible there increasingly makes Sojourn feel like a wonky hybrid of two very different heroes, all while making teammates badly able to troll each other from their being shot.

Hell, I wouldn’t even mind Rail Gun charging up to a certain percent (say, 50%) naturally, so long as the aforementioned decay above that point was implemented and generation per shot decreased to compensate.

It just feels like crap to be insta-gibbed specifically because your tank decided to take a bath in her Primary Fire several seconds earlier.

This is actually the biggest issue. Right now it’s doing too much damage for how precise it is.

There are several problems here.

One, it takes about 30 ammo (2/3rds of her ammo supply) to do this. And two, Symmetra can still charge off on barriers.

It doesn’t avoid enemy fire. Like Swiftstrike and Roll, Sojourn is still completely vulnerable to damage dealt by this ability.

There’s better. Most Tank mobility options are better, travel farther, and on lower cooldowns.

It’s also on a 15 second cooldown; one of the longest damage abilities in the game. By comparison, Dynamite, is on a 12 second cooldown, covers 5 meters, instantly delivers up to 75 damage, and burns for another 5 seconds for 100 damage.

Railgun charges up at slower rate in Overclock than Widow’s (or Hanzo’s) basic fire does. Not by much, however.

No this false. Several heroes can easily eliminate her. Currently, she doesn’t have a really bad match-up except against Tanks and possibly Symmetra/Torbjorn.

Even if you didn’t; her accuracy on her weapon is just really good right now. So either increasing spread, or reducing damage, or projectile speed would be the best options.

Quake is more Gen X… a boomer shooter would be something even older and more arcadey.

That is, again, more of an issue with how accurate her weapon is.

Sojourn’s a bit overtuned, but not by much. The other changes have helped her to be more competitive, but one issue is that every Damage-role hero is moving slower now, making Sojourn’s particular weapon far too accurate for it’s own good. A simple damage reduction would put her back in line, but I think some other alternatives could also work.

Neither would work. Again, basic fire is the main issue here.

Still within his old break points for Helix Rocket kills.

He seems to be doing fine right now.

Ashe is also fine.

True to some extent, but easily controlled.

Can still unload a full clip headshot for kills.

Duplicate isn’t working very well right now.

Dragonblade and shuriken damage need to go back to their old values to get a better understanding. Right now he’s doing okay, but over time I think he’ll fall to the wayside.

More or less, yeah. Nothing out of bounds here, I think.

Mei is scoring pretty highly in my games, anecdotal as it may seem.

Pharah is actually doing really well; the new Concussion Blast works really well.

Evidence isn’t pointing to that at the moment. With all the JQ runs, he’s actually having some decent performance.

Solo-Sombra strategies just don’t work. But working with the team, she does rather well.

Dominating in maps that are bright white where her teleporter is practically invisible to most players. Toronto is a big one here.

Lazy Torbs are bringing down his scores, but he’s not in a terrible position, unless it is Push.

Widowmaker is dominating, can’t really explain why. Gets shut out easily, but still ends up dominating matches.

that is like…

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The most simple thing they can do to make Sojourn easier to is to have a clear indicator, similar to Zarya’s Energy charge, of how charged her railgun is. And something else they can do is just make her charge decay start faster.

Having played Sojourn, and against her, it feels like tanks eat her alive. I mean… if she doesn’t kill someone in one shot, then they’re a threat, and you’re probably not going to playing her like Widow 10 kilometers across the map, so they can and will catch up to you.

I agree that she is super oppressive, and think something I would like as someone who’s played her is make her slow down for a short period. It’d make you feel powerful, but in general it’d a hard nerf.

TL;DR Yes. Sojourn is scary, but they can manage her.

  1. I misread the sym patch notes it seems but still I don’t consider her needing to use 2/3 of her clip to get a charge a bad thing because being able to get OHKs with secondary is a higher reward then dumping all your ammo.

  2. For her ability I’m fairly talking in terms of DPS heroes and not tanks, should’ve clarified that but I wouldn’t call her movement better compared to say Genji or Tracer. Another thing is that yeah she’s still completely vulnerable I’ve killed her while doing it but movement does in general make you a harder target to hit, this is factual for most if not all FPS games.

  3. Dynamite in comparison if not shot has a timer if not shot and allows you to get away from it compared to disrupter shot which is instantly deployed upon impact.

  4. Sojourn does not need to be at full charge to 1 hit headshot most squishy hero and does not have an movement penalty like Hanzo and Widowmaker while they charge their shots.

  5. This is true for nearly every hero in a way, yeah I can kill a sojourn and have done a lot of it during the beta as Heroes like Hanzo and Soldier 76, good luck with reaper lol. I highly doubt sym and torb but who am I to say that? And tanks who can’t 1on1 most squishies would be crap in OW2 so of course they can do so.

  6. Boomer shooter is zoomer lingo, I beg you guys to research this instead of trying to immediately correct me.

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What ELO are you in in OW2 lol

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Omg, I agree! Buff D.Va!

Railgun definitely needs to not be a one shot. Like I’m cool with her doing 100 damage with her primary to pull off a 150 damage snipe as a finisher, but she definitely shouldn’t be farming railgun charge on tanks and then be able to flank and pull off an instant kill on a full 200 health target out of nowhere. Great concept for a hero, absolutely terrible balance.


Yeah, had a match earlier where I was instantly killed by her playing as Soldier 76 and one the kill cam all she did was fire at a sigma barrier and I hit her with helix started to fire at her while strafing and she just looks at me and instantly deletes me. I was so damn mad bro, like how did that even get past testing?

So the G in Gfuel has secretly stood for genji this whole time!?


Just gonna chime in here and say yea she is FUN AS HELL. One of the most fun heroes I have ever played. I thought Widowmaker was fun back in the day


I won’t be surprised if she gets nerfed }:‑)

Feels like blizzard learned nothing about stuffing too much into one characters kit. Every part of her kit should be slightly tuned down. It’s so hard to enjoy the beta when there’s a clearly busted character that has near 100% pick rate.

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They are gen X shooters

Galaga is boomer shooter

Yup, there’s something odd about watching Sojourn and comparing with a symetra or mei (to be fair, Bastion might be better than both right now).

It’s not supposed to be a bad thing, but trying to understand that it’s going to take around 2 seconds of straight shooting on a barrier to get that charge. That barrier won’t be eliminated, either, nor will her Railgun pierce it.

This is true, but it is also understood that once players get used to Sojourn Powerslide, it’ll be a lot more readable and a lot more punishable. The only “juke” she has with it is a vertical jump which saves the ability from being too predictable to track and kill. At the very least, she can “turret shoot” with it. And yeah, it does seem like it is always available.

Dynamite can be manually detonated early, too. Disruptor Shot, cannot. Both have some limitations and range. Deflecting Disruptor Shot is also easier to do than Dynamite, and much of the damage can be avoided by simply moving from the projectile’s explosion zone. Dynamite sticks with you until cleared via health pack or through specific abilities - with the latter also working to clear Disruptor Shot’s slow effect too.

With that said, Disruptor’s Shot slow might be a bit too strong, so I would not be surprised to see it adjusted.

Why would she? She’s not a sniper like Widowmaker - she can’t zoom in on targets, or produce Widow’s damage in one shot like she could. Nor would her damage match up with Hanzo. But therein lies something of a problem here. She is quite capable of producing damage faster than the above two do in the same span of time; and it is arguable, that her basic fire accuracy is too strong for that kind of damage. So adjustments need to made her to fix that.

You’re looking at one.

Somewhat ironically, I’m averaging a better accuracy with Bastion than I am with Soldier. It’s really strange.