Sojourn is just so disgustingly overpowered

I feel like sone fail to take into account how nearly everything about her is just absolutely nuts right now so let do a breakdown on her kit shall we?

-Primary Fire

While not as ridiculous as everything else she has in her aresenal it still does about 135dps(calculating off rounds per second and damage per bullet) which is obviously paling in comparison to Soldier 76’s 162 DPS but still this does make her dangerous at close to medium range, overall it’s balanced IMO. Is projectile but the speed makes it feel very close to hitscan.

-Secondary Fire

Now this is what makes her absolutely busted in my opinion, first of all it can’t be normally fired rather needs a charge from dealing damage with her primary fire which is very unique but charges a bit to fast maybe! But here’s the thing, first off she can easily get full charge from dealing damage to barrier(Symmetra isn’t allowed to this anymore btw) so it feels like running barriers against her just empowers her if anything.

Another thing about this is she deals 130 damage to the body at full charge which is the singular highest direct body shot damage in the game but that’s not all this thing if hit to the head does a whopping 260 damage which means she kills every support and dps her in one hit who isn’t bastion. You’d think you’d need to be as precise as widowmaker to pull these off consistently but you at all since the hibox can be pretty forgiving.

If you ask me it’s like a helix rocket but better since it’s hitscan meaning it goes where you aim and it can just instantly delete anyone who isn’t a tank. It also gives her massive poke damage potential and quite honestly she craps all over Hanzo and Widowmaker for the most part. Honestly this part about her in general makes me lose my sanity.


This is her first ability I want to talk about, it incredibly strong and with a 6 second cooldown to boot! It allows her to avoid enemy fire by doing a call of duty styled slide which is cool but it gets better because at the end or mid slide you can perform a power jump which can be used for all manners of things.

Need to reposition to high ground? Yup you can do that! Need to avoid even more enemy fire? Yup you can do that! Want to pull off a flank? Yup you can do that! Want to escape from that pesky Genji, Reaper, and Doomfist who dived you? You can do just that and unlike widowmaker you’ll have it back if they quickly try to dive you again!

Overall this ability is arguably one of the best in the game currently when it come to mobility and can be frequently used.

-Disruptor Shot

Want to cause your enemies even more pain and suffering? Do you want to be responsible for more broken Keyboards and controllers in this world? Well congratulations because I have the perfect ability for you! Say hello to disruptor shot, it shoots a 5 meter wide sphere shaped field at those poor souls! What does it do you ask? Well one it does 210 damage during its duration and slows your enemies down so you can hit them with your railgun and make them meet the big man in the sky!

This thing is very versatile, baptiste throwing another disco party? Well you can tell him your disruptor shot wants to join in on the fun! In a one on one duel, well my good friend just throw it down and you can be nearly guaranteed to win that duel! You can even throw it into the middle of an enemy team to finish off low hp targets and they might not know the better because sometimes it’s quite hard to notice if you’re in it if you’re on the outer edges of it! Want to slow an enemy teams push, you can do even that, think of it as a smaller less deadly molten core!


This is basically just an extension to her secondary fire because she gains auto charge for 9 seconds allowing her to just insta delete several squishies faster than your most skilled widowmaker main.

TL;DR: I’m crap at formatting this stuff but Sojourn is OPAF and is causing me eternal suffering.


So what ELO are we basing this on?

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What do you mean? Around plat and diamond I guess. Sojourn is unmatched currently IMO with her only counter when played well is another Sojourn or A Genji who is the living embodiment of Gfuel.


Grand Grandmaster

But she’s so much fun to play and having a railgun brings back fond memories of Quake 2 and Quake 3 Arena.

Edit: But yeah she’s a lil much, especially if you have good mechanical skill/Aiming)


I never played boomer shooters like quake but yeah she’s a lot of fun IMO. A good Sojourn easily has double the damage output of anyone else in the match from what I have witnessed through my time of no lifing the beta.


good i didn’t get into the beta yet and i wanna try using her while she’s still OP

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What FPS game are you basing your point of view from then. What kind of heroes are at the power level you are used to and what games do they come from. Roblox FPS modes?

Sojourn is actually the only good DPS hero right now.
All the other ones are not that good, regardless of everyone saying that the DPS class is OP.
But as usual whatever DPS hero is decent to good, means they need hard nerfs.


After playing her in Beta I could never go back to Soldier 76, she’s far more fun to play, especially with her slide jump, unlike Soldier’s lil trot.

mmmm. im hoping that there’ll be some activity in my dusty inbox sometime tomorrow

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I’ve played several shooters on my nearly 25yrs on this planet to list a few of the PVP modes to FPS games I’ve played: Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Crysis, Titanfall, Apex legends, PUBG, Paladins, Titanfall, Destiny, Doom 2016, Splitgate, Rainbow Six series, Counterstrike, and Team fortress 2(Last two listed were on a terrible gaming lap top but still I digress). Closest on power level I guess would be team fortress 2 for being the OG, paladins for being another hero shooter, and Halo for being an arena shooter.

Regarding your claim that every DPS hero sucks now is very laughable, the only ones who truly are bad are Reaper, Symmetra, Sombra, Torbjorn, and Bastion. This is coming from someone who mains DPS with Soldier 76, Hanzo, Reaper, Tracer, and Widowmaker being my preferred picks.


Not really criticizing you personally.

I’m just a bit wary of people in average ELOs acting like they gotta worry about OWL tier players in their ladder games.

And it’s hard to quickly figure out of this is a “Sojourn OP in average games” or “Sojourn OP in OWL” type of thing.

Basically this stuff.

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I mean I get it but overall I think sojourn outside of bronze and silver will be a really strong hero, she doesn’t need as much skill as Hanzo or Widowmaker to be very consistent with but still does need a decent amount of it. And when calling a hero broken you must take into account how they affect every ladder of play IMO.

I guess I’m more concerned about balancing ladder play, but then you got people who see OWL stuff, and act like it’s happening in their Plat games.

All hitscan and hanzo are fine if you can aim.

Mei, phara, reaper, and junk. Blow because of the above statement

Genji, tracer, and echo are fine just gotta work a bit harder this beta.

Meis not great but shes not sym. :man_shrugging:t6:

Torb is torb.


Cause she’s the only one who can reliably kill an entire team without requiring headshots? At literally all levels of the game?


I dont know if i would call her op but my first real night on the beta ive learned to respect her alot and fast. Meaning as a support main she is a serious threat. Its the unexpected burst that does it for me. Yeah if its not full charge it does less damage but timing a strafe is rough when she can hit that at any moment she wants.

I have not played anywhere enough to suggest balance changes but first impression if those burst shots had an indicator (zarya full charge) or had to be at 100 to fire it would be easier FOR ME! lol again not suggesting just first impressions


Again I get that but from my personal experience in the beta she’s incredibly strong and easily is doing nearly or if not double the damage output compared to everyone else when someone who knows what they’re doing is on her of course but even then it’s not that hard to really get those high damage numbers with her at this moment in time.

since when the hell was a game from 1997 a “Boomer” game
dude I was born a year later.

I was born in 1997 so I’m just as old as it, it’s basically 4 chan/zoomer lingo to identify any shooter pre Half-Life and Halo Combat Evolved.