Sojourn 3D Model

Artist who made the Junkerqueen fan model has now done Sojourn.


Looks cool.
Hope she becomes playable someday…

Blizz already has WAY TOO MANY candidates to choose from, we won’t know exactly when :rofl::rofl::rofl:


could you put the link to the artist’s page?


I’m pretty sure they let it slip in one of the Archive streams that they’ve had her in development for a while.


Since 2015 I believe, which is pretty mindblowing in my opinion considering she’s only been properly introduced now.


Funniest thing is that they keep adding more characters than heroes, so the total character list is never ending and will never catch up

She’s black & a woman so I’m sure that she’s near the top of their list. Something the community has been clamoring for sometime now.

Damn, I meant to do that. Thanks for reminding me!

I’m very confident she’ll end up a playable hero eventually. Jeff mentioned that she’s been in development since 2014 or 15.

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It’s a good model but it doesn’t seem to match her face from what we’ve seen. This has very pronounced cheekbones, a thin jaw and kinda puckered lips for some reason, whereas Sojourn’s face is noticably more rounded and less angular.

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Is she doing the duck lips face?

I can see that. I’m guessing Blizzard’s eventual model will look a bit different than what we’ve seen thus far as well.

I believe Blizzard said they have 5 or 6 heroes in development

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Like AdunSaveMe said, it is well done, but her face is too angular. She also does look like she’s doing a duckface.

I love her.

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Same here! :heart_eyes:

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I like the Sojourn model better then the Junker Queen he made. For whatever reason the Junker Queen he made just doesn’t feel right to me. Sojourn looks like an interesting character she could be DPS or Support. With her cybernetic augmentations it reminds me a little of ghost in the shell.


Yeah I agree. I thought the artist’s Junkerqueen was good objectively, but certainly not as good as the one shown in Junkertown.

Link to the junkerqeen? And who is the artist?

Artist is Gong Ill.


And also D.mon:

Now that I’ve had a closer look at the Junkerqueen, it is a great model. It just doesn’t quite look like Blizzard’s art for her though. I guess my biggest complaint is that the model is missing her makeup.

Looks like a darker skinned sombra to me