So you want a Role Q?

Then use LFG. Theres no excuse to complain about the lack of a role Q when you can literally enforce one and have a group together in 10 minutes or less. The tools are there. Use them.


I have been, but I don’t like spending 15 minutes between games during prime time.


Dont leave your group. Usually even if I lose the first couple I’ll stick with the group and with the people that do leave it never takes more than a few games before I’m working with a winning team.


That doesn’t speed things up by much.

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lol. LFG is trash.

  1. no one uses it
  2. it takes a while to compile a group
    3 . group mentality is : win 100% of games or else everyone leaves as fast as they can after first loss.
  3. have to start the long boring process all over again.

Lots of people use it and more would if they just had a little patience

Your gonna be waiting unless you play support or tank anyways and your gonna be starting with a fresh group everytime as well. Your literally just bringing those from LFG and putting them into the core game.


I dont mind waiting if I get to play what I want.
LFG is too clunky and seems like the devs just threw it in there without giving it much though.

A Role Q could be a much smoother experience.


It’d be much more convenient if the role queue was like how it is on Heroes of the Storm.

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LFG is a lot of extra unnecessary steps that will put you up against a more than likely more organized 6 stack than your 6 random people in a group.

Not to mention I’m not patient enough to use LFG, and there are a lot of downsides to it aside from taking up to 15ish minutes to make a good group


Assuming that the full team of 6 people is going to play multiple games is a bit wishful thinking. There’s Always one or 2 guys that have to leave, if not you yourself. Or someone being dissatisfied with a previous outcome of a game, or your specific hero choice.


I dont know how HOTS role q works, but even if it wasnt role q and it had something like DIablo 3 does, it would be better.

In Diablo 3, you have in game chat groups. And you have different ones like “demon Hunters”, Witch Doctors", “Wizards” etc. or “Looking for a Monk” etc, etc.
Something like this could work in OW.
Have chat groups like “Looking for teammates” and you can type “Im a hitscan player looking for team” , then you get invited if other people are looking for a player. Or you can go into the chat and say , “I need a main tank and an off healer”. then other people respond and you invite them. All live.

Anyhow I still think a proper Role Q is the best option.

That’s why I like the 2Flex,2Tank,2Heal option. With Mei moved to the Tank class. And 4 votes of typing “!unlock” to unlock roles.

Even if people selfishly cheese their hero picks. You’ll probably get a lot of Mei and Dva. Which both can shut down a ton of ultimates.

Getting the best of what LFG has to offer, but with an autopilot after 3 mouse clicks.

The issue 2 flex ( I like this btw) is that people will still try to abuse the fact that it will still be possible to do 3 tanks and 3 healers.

Well, if the nerfs on PTR aren’t enough, just make it so that Brig and Lucio aura heals don’t stack.

Then maybe give Brig something that makes her better in 2 Healer comps. Perhaps a regen or something.

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I use LFG all the time in QP. Since the release of this feature, the quality of my games has dramatically improved. 6-stack vs 6-stack QP is no different from competitive if the rank of the players is about the same. But every time I try to use LFG for a competitive mode, the games turn into a mess. People go crazy when the outcome of a match affects their SR.

The only way to play competitive mode in a stack is to play with your friends. But I have a difficult time trying to find 5 friends with whom I can consistently play and who enjoy the roles I need. Although it would be easier for me to find a full stack if I enjoyed the role of a main tank. Probably…

It is a myth if we are talking about QP. I spend in the menu for 1-2 minutes more between matches when someone leaves the team, but I get teammates with whom it is much nicer to play.

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Clearly you don’t play in the OCE region. LFG is hella dead. If you make a 6-man group you’ll be waiting upwards of an hour…

Hell a couple times I created just a 2-man group and got zero takers in almost 20 minues.

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Only time it takes a long time here is when it’s the wee hours of the morning and noones on (40 million players btw) and even then its 20 mins tops

Just stick to it usually just takes a couple matches for me

It makes more sense to have a role-Q than to leave Competitive in a random state. This “You have LFG” response is not good enough.

2-2-2 is the Overwatch standard. It should be so for Role-Q. If you wish to deviate from this formula, you then can turn to LFG and make your own group the way you want.

The LFG system is flawed, it takes forever to find a consistent group, and just doesn’t do an adequate job. You also have the disadvantage of dealing with large enemy groups.

Role-Q will allow players to pick the role they want, search for a game, and be guaranteed that they will have a complete team with players playing the role that they want. No more spawn bickering of who plays what. No more Supports/Tanks going DPS mid-game over rage, no more players having to play a role they didn’t want to, and no more random matches where you have 4 Mercy mains and no one who knows how to play a frontline tank.

All of these issues would be solved. Role-Q will ensure this.

The only con is that DPS players will have longer wait times. And to that I say, learn how to heal/tank from time to time.

It is paramount that the player experience is as streamlined and easy as possible. We should not have to do so much work to enjoy a match. The less player-interaction there is pre-game, the better. Humans are far too arrogant to be able to delegate things in a civilized order. To join an LFG, you are practically walking through a TSA checkpoint. It’s as toxic as random Matchmaker spawn room.

The less human-decision-making there is, the better. Let people choose the role they want, and put them into a game. That’s it.

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Do you know how the game works?
If i use lfg with 5 other players, yes we will get the perfect team comp, but we will be matched against another 6 stack , this is completley different to solo queue games .

  • at masters and above i see lfg used very little , just for the reason above ^ , 2 stacking is the way to go imo, unless you want to play against higher opponents .

here’s my experience with LFG.

Comp with LFG? Yea right…

Quickplay with LFG? 300 ping. Filled with silvers and bronze players who i NEVER meet normally. Takes 5~10 minutes for a group to form, only for one guy to leave 10 seconds before que is finished. Then you have to use your enforced role and not have a second healer, because the random guy who joined doesn’t want to actually try and win.

And that’s not even mentioning the long long que times for games.

So no thanks. When they implement a decent LFG, i’ll use it. Not this garbage.