so what is “fair” about a damage hero that can’t engage nor disengage into/out of their effective range reasonably independently and has to rely on their team’s active input to have an OPPORTUNITY to do their job or get any value?
esp when
the rest of the so called “utility heroes” (sombra and mei) don’t suffer this issue at all,
rewards are given individually,
most people solo queue, and
this team dependence was 1 of the major reasons from both devs and the community wanted to remove through the sym3.0 rework in the first place that was thrusted upon the sym mains (we now agree, so why are you guys doing a 180 now?).
if anyone, seems like it’s people like you who are leading a crusade tbh.
Dec 2018 nerf. It didn’t 100% remove the CC of slam, just 98% of it. If you’re moving at all in any direction and you’re hit by slam, you will not be affected by the CC. If you’re not moving at all, then you’ll be affected.
It was actually removed during the sledgehammer nerfs but they had to put some of it back because without it, the slam would cause a bug that would bounce the target off into the air like everyone had a super jump.
My suggestion at the time was just replace it with a Slow kinda like being sprayed for a split second by Mei’s freeze. So the target will not lose directional momentum or getting pulled up.
Here is the thing u can’t balance everything in overwatch u just can’t there will always be this hero that is really good when sym was in the mate aka double shield she can charge her m1 soo fast and do more damage then a full charge zarya I’m not say that she doesn’t need help but I can’t see a way to help her with out make her op
revert tp to old 3.0 tp or change the current tp’s cd mechanic to achieve old 3.0 tp’s cast frequency
add in passive that lets sym’s shield hp regen to trigger when she interacts with tp
make orbs 30m/s and can reduce projectile hitbox size and/or splash size where necessary
flatten out the dps across primary’s level and increase its range
OR increase the dps on lvl 1 beam and keeping the same dps on other lvls and same range as now
can reduce dps on turrets where necessary
tp won’t be too strong given that we had that standard for tp for over a year aand it wasn’t OP across various metas so that’ll be fine.
regen will make sym have less down time in conjuction with good tp usage without making her into a reaper2.0.
orb changes are to make her most general weapon more general in having longer effective range and be more consistent if the sym player can aim.
for primary either it’s to be less situation (1st sub point) or it’s to be more bursty for it’s current level of situational-ness
can nerf turrets’ dps as these changes are aiming to put more power into what the sym player controls (i.e. the more skillful parts) which’d mean sym would be less pub stomper and her power level would have better positive correlation with rank.
What on earth are you talking about? You are probably that type of doomfist that is not in vc and thinks their team is so bad and that you are carrying, while you are not
I think that sums up why there is a bias against sym players. I’ve seen multiple doomfist mains on the forum “rightfully” advocate or accpet nerfs but when sym got nerfed, the forum threads didn’t look so good. Even though a lot of 'em have come to realize that the bugfix was OP now, it wasn’t the same when they heard it got nerfed then.
This is precisely what I’m referring to. Sym’s effective range is the largest in game, however you dont want to account for her fairly massive strengths, but you want to set up kindergarten scenarios where of course she has problems, because there is no thought involved.
A Sym who sets up a turret field in an obvious spot at a choke, and gets mad that people kill them and then declare turrets bad, which I have seen time and time again are going to get laughed at by the Sym who flanks a team, lays 3 turrets at their feet, pops a ball or two, then ports away during the ensuing mayhem, essentially halting forward momentum.
The Sym that gets 15-20 orb kills from safety isnt gonna be interested in your salt about your suicide charge to get to a shield.
You have methods of low risk, moderate reward, and high risk, high reward, but what you shouldnt have is the ability to consistently and safely take 1.1 seconds to annihilate 200hp heroes, that is gonna take some effort, and rightly so.
Some heroes should always stay on the margin (like Sombra). Some heroes are designed to be oppressive in certain circumstances and that should remain like that. When they become oppressive in all circumstances like Mei has become they face losing their uniqueness for the sake of balance.
You can’t have heroes like Sombra and Mei becoming meta because they are annoying, annoying and unfun = nerfs and deservedly so. Symmetra faced the same problem, you guys just don’t realize what you’re asking for.
Leave niche heroes alone if you want them to keep their uniqueness, if you want them to become more like your average Joe, your average fps character, then by all means continue whining.
You can, but when the vast majority finds one particular ability a problem that’s when it becomes an issue. We have had this happen before. Just because you find something balanced doesn’t mean the vast majority does as well, and vice versa.
Losing isn’t supposed to be fun, to begin with. Regardless from how it happened - being KO’d into wall by Doomfist, being frozen and hit with icicle by Mei, or walking into turret trap of Symmetra.
Guess same majority just goes nuts, when their cause of death is unmanned mechanism…or close range hero like Mei without advanced mobility. Because it often means, that they themselves walked into their own death
But hey, it’s always better to blame “no skill” heroes, instead of realizing, that you were blind, like a mole, and walked into otherwise avoidable situation.