- revert tp to old 3.0 tp or change the current tp’s cd mechanic to achieve old 3.0 tp’s cast frequency
- add in passive that lets sym’s shield hp regen to trigger when she interacts with tp
- make orbs 30m/s and can reduce projectile hitbox size and/or splash size where necessary
- either
- flatten out the dps across primary’s level and increase its range
- OR increase the dps on lvl 1 beam and keeping the same dps on other lvls and same range as now
- can reduce dps on turrets where necessary
tp won’t be too strong given that we had that standard for tp for over a year aand it wasn’t OP across various metas so that’ll be fine.
regen will make sym have less down time in conjuction with good tp usage without making her into a reaper2.0.
orb changes are to make her most general weapon more general in having longer effective range and be more consistent if the sym player can aim.
for primary either it’s to be less situation (1st sub point) or it’s to be more bursty for it’s current level of situational-ness
can nerf turrets’ dps as these changes are aiming to put more power into what the sym player controls (i.e. the more skillful parts) which’d mean sym would be less pub stomper and her power level would have better positive correlation with rank.