Well, sorry for spreading fake information then. I was almost getting happy to finally see them addressing the Symmetra vs Armor interaction in a positive way but now I just don’t understand why did they do this without giving her any buffs.
I guess that one time when they attempted to run Symmetra in the OWL was enough for them to find her too op, Symmetra was never meant to be meta, how dare they try to use her in a competitive scenario
obligatory link to PTR math post.
Dev says it’s a nerf:
It’s non-sense. I fully expect when the PTR moves to live for Symmetra value to be addressed accordingly.
They hate symmetra, didnt you get the memo?
A character has never been given a good reputation or use that makes people go “i want a symmetra”, for almost 3 years
Shes their most hated hero, and shes coincidentally the most hated hero by the playerbase too.
Its a lose-lose situation.
I expect nothing positive when it comes to Symmetra. No hero has been as abused or neglected as she has. I feel like dirt.
She does more than your average zarya. While zarya has to get charge, it makes her or her teammates to be vulnerable for a period. Plus maintaining charge isn’t that easy without bubble spamming.
Bow for sym,she has 3 turrets doing damage, a beam which is far easier to charge up than a zarya.
I guess you want the old sym back when she could just run around microwaving without actually considering what might go wrong.
You think It’s easier to get charge and still live as Symmetra than Zarya even after the buff which made Zarya’s energy almost infinite? Zarya is super easy to have energy now lol, If you try to get energy as Sym you die/need to retreat because you’re at low health, and by the time you’re back you already lost all your charge.
Also keep in mind that Zarya has a higher dps than her, higher range, higher health pool, and better survivability abilities, Zarya’s m2 is instant, also has more damage and range than Symmetra and has less damage dropoff
Nope. I’m clueless about it.
Confirmed she has been nerfed
That’s just a bunch of LIES. Symmetra beam it’s x10 harder to charge since she doesn’t have any reliable mobility, sustain or big healthpool unlike Zaryas, plus Zaryas beam still have higher range and dps than Symm, so HELL TO THE NO.
Keep believing that sym is 10x harder to play.
She is though, she requires 200% effort to secure kills as opposed to other DPS choices.
Like seriously if you think she does more than your average Zarya why don’t you see Symmetra running all over the game with a giant pickrate on the level of Zarya, owning and dominating the game.
Try to think real hard concerning the state of reality and your poorly informed opinion.
Not gonna lie, but someone who really looks like a lucio main like him wont be saying anything positive about her anytime, since they keep blindly running into turret nests xD
Lol, that Zarya surely took a lot of skill to look at the ground next to me, click M2, click V and do a combo that takes away 90% of my health, then click V again and kill me. Or beam me for half a second and then click m2.
Truly much harder.
Rein to Symmetra after this:
Rein: Wait this only tickles me now with all of my armor. Laughing
Symmetra: Cries in a corner.
Honestly you buried the lead problem for Sym. Forget about armor. Soldier was her hard counter when he did 17. Now he’s back to 20.
With no photon barrier and 76 back to chipping away at Rein’s shield Sym will have to hide by ceiling cover or do what all Sym mains do, switch to a better hero.
Soldier needed the buff but Pharah, Sym, and Junkrat just got dumped into a target rich environment
Just because you don’t play a character,doesn’t mean it’s easy to play. Bastion is op in bronze, trash in my matches at 4300+. Widows are skilled in masters+ but trash below plat. Rein is easy to play wrong. But to be a good rein, you need to know how not to be a shield bot. It applies for all characters. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be “off meta” mains in higher elo.
I’d rather give more duration to the charged up beam for sym+ range than increase damage. Plus faster movement for alt fire.
But given they reworked her 3 times, it makes me think that devs don’t know how to balance her
You were the one calling Symmetra easy though
basically this honestly
the more you think about it the more the whole “we have no idea what to do with this hero” makes more sense.
old sym stopped being good the moment she got the nerf in beta