Yes and no. She’s easier to play against uncoordinated teams. Harder when people can actually shoot turrets.
She can still melt people if your enemy team doesn’t know how to deal with her because too many Winston’s believe it’s simple to run into a sym and kill her.
With the new Sym, I get happy when there is a Winston.
Place a TP, farm charge on him/his shield, TP away, he tries to jump at you, you TP back, then you have more range than him and he doesn’t have much to do, works against every dumb Winston player who doesn’t even know how to play him, yet switched because he believes is the easiest way to counter you.
Yeah you made that pretty obvious
Oh no it’s so hard to bubble a Reinhardt player (good or bad) and get instant charge from a safe distance
Like I said. Most people complained about different characters before they got nerfed. Brig is F tier now. Is anyone asking her to be buffed? Nope. Because your pros think she’s the reason goats exist. Btw, it’s lucio and zarya (Dva is S tier since launch so nothing will happen there).
Honestly speaking, I’d love to see other dps being played in higher elo. But given majority want different things, it won’t happen.
Yes. It’s so simple you know? Because whenever I use team bubble to get charge, that character gets discorded because zen exists.
Not my main ( I main Widow but given up comp due to amazing meta.). But they’ve got two different playstyles. And completely different ults.
hhh honestly i had quite the stressing day today and have been more or less more pessimistic than usual, but i calmed down a lil
i cant guarantee whats going to happen to sym (probably nothing) and well, at worse scenario things that werent too complicated to pull off before will be more to do so now.
Its kinda disheartening because i already felt this with 2.0 and with this rework i didnt want to go thru it again
First, I am assuming (possibly in error) that this rule will replace the regular Armor reduction for beams.
Second, I don’t believe we know how much Symmetra’s beam damage was getting reduced by Armor before since we don’t know the tick rate. That would mean, if my assumption is correct, we are getting a 20% reduction instead of a ???% reduction. Could be a nerf, could be a buff.
Third, I think you misread the Dev Comment, and I don’t think Photon Projector qualifies as a DoT.
Bubble removes discord orb though, I don’t think they getting discorded has anything to do with you giving them a bubble. Discord orb also has no cooldown so I don’t think you should keep your bubble to counter discord either
some clever people over on reddit determined that the only way Sym does the amount of damage she does on live is if she has a tick rate of 4. also I did the math for this over on the PTR forum.
In higher tier you use bubble to: save a teammate/yourself or remove discord because everyone focuses the discorded target fast. Only at the start of a fight everyone uses it to get charges.
A lot of zarya plays her in other way: bubble on cooldown. So it’s not surprising when you see a zarya in lower elo with 65+average charge.
Even in owl her average energy ks around 45 with a comp that supports her.
Btw, if they really wanted to kill goats or whatnot, answers was already there. It’s not the funniest game for dps/main tanks atm.
The dev must be hate sym SO MUCH
I agree. Everyone is really mad about the lack of symm buffs tho so maybe on the ptr the will add symm buffs