So y'all stop playing your alts when role queue arrives, right?

Ideally, but we all know how OW is when it comes to ideal situation

Yeah no reason to play my alt. Instead I am tempted to play more tank and dps ( I am support main) but I am quite afraid of finding out my true mmr on tank/dps on my main account cause on main I only played dps/tank back when I was gold lmao. While my support mmr is high master.

Based on my alt my tank is diamond and my dps is plat but what will it look like on my main is quite an interesting and horrific question. Will I be gold or will it be weird and place me in a match against masters as tank cause I played it some one time to fill and did okay – please none of that but no gold either…

I’ll still play my alts to either practise hitscan or play with friends.

Just gonna sit back and enjoy all the people pretending that their alt accounts aren’t just for trolling / griefing people in bronze.

Overwatch has 6 different roles at least they should have made role queue based on 6 roles not 3.

Personally i would have like hero MMR more since you then also can track if people are throwing etc… (MMR on a hero can never be one game very low and the other game very high. With role, especially dps, you can be very bad on one dps hero but on another you could be very good. So role based MMR can have big differences each game).

I rather have a system where you que up by first selecting a role (so 1 out of 6)
and after that a hero. The matchmaker will put you with other players who has about the same MMR on the hero they selected, filling in all the roles.
When the game has started you can swap to all heroes who has a MMR close to the hero you selected (so MMR of hero you selected is 1.5345 then you can select all heroes who has a MMR between 1.0345 and 2.345). At least if the hero can be played in that slot.
In game you have 6 hero slots, 1 for each role. You can swap slots/roles with other players if they accept. (can only request once during each map)

Each slot/role will have its own way of calculating MMR. More based on role tasks during group fights.
SR rankings can still be role based (6 roles)
So you get 7 ladders instead of 4: Main tank, off tank, main healer, flex healer, main dps, flex dps and an account ladder

I have 2 accounts otp ashe to comete who is faster to climb at gm
Next 4 accounts play with friends left behind masters diamond plat and gold
Next account for hanzo only in a range 3-3.5k
Next for widow only
Next one for Anna/orisa/hog bc they are all op and I have to practice them
so nope =) I need 2 accounts for every hero I play.

A hero role queue would be super cool, but, I have no idea how they would solve all the problems that come with it. Also, certain heroes are map based. What if the enemy team is playing a strong comp for that map? What if you need a stall comp?

There are just too many problems to solve with hero based role queue. You’d have to change SR and how it works to enable that. Which is why I wouldn’t ask for hero based SR.

Ill probably only do placements on them now.