So y'all stop playing your alts when role queue arrives, right?

Ill still use my alts :slight_smile: on my main ill try hard for all roles and on my other accounts ill use here’s I don’t normally use

Trolls / throwers are smurfs, Alt Accounts are people playing the game like it’s supposed to be played on something other than their main account. Using the two terms interchangeably leads to confusion, frustration, and problems.

Seagull and Jeff Kaplan are hopeful that genuine alt accounts created for preserving the SR of their main role will be less frequent with the separate SRs from Role Queue. It won’t go away completely, but it is very likely to be reduced.

Do you really think your baptiste, your Mercy and your Ana deserve the same SR? Ana is pretty meta so maybe you’ll feel like learning Ana at one point. Would you really do it on the same account you one-trick Baptiste?

This was the number one excuse.
The true reason most used alts wasn’t so they didn’t drop, but so they could be their naturally toxic selves w/o proper repercussions. So I don’t think alt usage is going to drop too much.

First off… lol. Several months ago, Seagull was the FIRST person bashing the game, stating the game was dead and broken, calling Jeff out. He stopped streaming OW for a while. Now all of a sudden, he’s got Jeff on his streams all the time. Typical “sell-out” scenario. And did you honestly state that Jeff is hopeful alt accounts will be less frequent?? The entire purpose of video games is like anything else with a large market: To separate you from your money. Jeff wants you to buy more accounts. Enjoying your experience is kind of incidental, and it’s only NOW that all of a sudden the dev team is putting resources into changing the experience — because DUN DUN DUN, people complained enough and profit margins were slowly in jeopardy. And… if Blizz has to cut another 800 jobs, how many are going to be left? XD

With QP getting a role queue, it will be easier to practice other heroes in a more structured environment. Players won’t have to practice Moria, Baptiste, and a Lucio with 5 DPS.

You keep posting this as a response to me, and I don’t know why. I agree with you. My disliking of alts has nothing to do with my inability to climb.

Alts affect match quality negatively (and SR to an extent).

I will use one for solo play.

And one to play together with my brother. (also depend on how much my brother will improve. He likes to one trick/ focus (at the moment hammond, before that ana, before that widow and tracer a lot on one hero(high skill level) and is stubborn (even when he got hard countered he stays with it. And so he is mostly only good at a few heroes, now he has to play more) And his game sense is pretty bad: rolls in alone then dies and then asks why he didn’t get any support. He blames me for every unwinnable game (lots of games we loosing i can somehow change to a win, but not all), so he doesn’t play a lot and gets frustrated fast.

And probably play when i feel like i am not playing at my max or warm-up.

Literally every time it was discussed, this was the primary defense. It actually made a little sense when people weren’t throwing.

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Actually no. I saw plenty of such discussion and in those never that argument felt. So it cannot be every time.

That’s actually a funny one.

Have one account, but thinking about getting a new one so I could deem this one a failure, start over and learn a lot of stuff this game will never tell me by itself which is why I got so terrible in Competitive.

OK sorry about that. My other point here is main accounts actually affect the match quality more than alts do due to flexing heroes.

This point of view is interesting and one I haven’t considered. I feel like you have a solid point. The only counter I can think of is the idea that its still an alt account. Thus, SR isn’t as worrisome because it’s not a main.

The solution would be individual hero SR.

imagine banning people for paying you 20 bucks for a new account, lul. Bad business sense.

Individual hero SR would be awesome for me personally, because I like to work on each hero. But to implement it, you would need to see the map type prior to queuing. Even then, if your off tank goes Zarya, and you go Winston, it makes a weird tank setup. I would just like to see Main roles and off roles have their own SR, and flankers, projectiles, and hitscan have their own SR and queue. SR gets funky when you start doing individual heroes.

Alt and smurfs accounts don’t increase the player base, which means no additional money is accrued for loot boxes, OWL skins, or merchandise. So, if the alt and smurf accounts are bad for the player base, which I think they are, then the $20 dollars is a poor investment because it stops legitimately new players from joining the player base.

I like this idea, too. It would add a level of strategy to the game, but it would have to show maps previous to rounds on control maps. Maybe the idea is a little too off the rails, though.

I mean, they do it for OWL right? I guess people could theoretically dodge a map.

It doesn’t ‘stop’ players from joining the player base.

If anything is stopping new players from joining the player base, it is that Overwatch never lived up to its hype and marketing as a competitive game. It’s super fun, but it has a ladder, not a ‘comp’ mode. Comp mode is the OWL.

And it’s old, too. For a game, it’s successful. I’m sure people will pick it up for $5-10 in the future, but it would be a high bar to expect this player base to increase from here. It’s just smurfing isn’t the thing stopping them.

They enjoy trolling because of the toxic culture this game promotes; that’s what happens when you cater to eSports.