tbf, it did maintain a high pricetag for years after its release due to its popularity
This is missing “New Hero Skins” which are OW2 only. Each hero gets “future” default skins. Like the Lucio one on the “New Story Mode” graphic.
Still, $60, I’ll buy it.
OW2 is $60 because marketing research has determined that $60 is currently the ideal figure to charge customers to maximize profit.
Would they sell more copies at $50? Probably but not by enough to justify the $10 price cut.
Would they make more per copy at $70? Sure but they’d sell fewer copies.
$60 is the sweet spot.
Its far more likely that there will be tiered purchases. Overwatch launched with a $39.99 US version and a $59.99 US version with various cosmetics being the reward for the latter.
I’m just wondering what would promote someone who already has the original to buy the DLC if they already get most of the content should they still have the original.
then why was pc OW 1 sold at 40? with the console version being the 60 dollar version that came with bonus skins for characters
Market research… I explained this already. Just adjust the figures.
The market is different on console and PC.
Your title didn’t ask any such thing.
I mean, by your logic, its just as viable for them to charge 40 again
Marketing 101: always have a title that attracts the reader’s eye.
If I made a title that said “Why should OW players buy OW2” would it attract as many people as “So Why exactly is OW2 $60”? A stimulating title leads to more replies (and more feedback) from what I’ve seen here on the Forums.
Any prices you see before official announcement are the speculations of individual people and/or companies. They are likely to err on the high side. We’ll just have to wait for real info; meanwhile it’d be nice if (false) rumours of the price weren’t spread.
I’m not interested in your reasoning, I was interested in answering the question posed. I did so.
Almost every AAA game (that isn’t free-to-play) is $60 (should they still be popular/new).
I would buy it if it were $60, but if it was any higher than that, I would probably wait for a sale. $60 is the max I would spend. And I would do it to support the developers because individually I like them as people (I’ve met a few) and like their game(s).
(Not as much of a fan of the corporate Activision Blizzard side of things, but I can say that about any corp really).
The pre-order is finally up?
Which will be cool for like 3 weeks before everyone goes back to event legendaries.
Which will be coming to ow1
Which will be uploaded in it’s entire uninterrupted glory 14hrs after OW2’s release…
Apparently pulling rabbits out of hats is a thing outside of magic these days.
Throws Torb’s old armour pack at you
I honestly don’t care abt paying 60$ for a pve game, I’ve payed 60$ for Mario Odyessey, BOTW and Pokemon it’s not out of the ordinary for a game to be at that price point and at some point blizzard has to put a price tag on something, for 4 years we have gotten basically free dlc with the hereos while for Apex Legends you have to pay for each new hero which costs 10 bucks each. After 4 years and 1776 hours on the game i’m fine with giving blizzard 60$ for a pve mode and I’m some1 who wants a story mode so it’s fine with me.
Get a grip. Did you even read the article whose link you sort of provided? Here’s a key quote: Because it is, essentially, optional it seems that Overwatch 2 will not be free to play. It is likely that, because it is just PvE, that the game could be as low as $30.00, however, it is more likely that it will be $60.00 .
Notice words like “seems”, “could”, “more likely”
It couldn’t be more obvious that this gamehaus writeup is just speculative babble. Why would anyone take it seriously?
Excuse me, but that’s not going to happen it’s going to be Sojourn + 3 heroes. 4 in total tops, we will see if it’s going to be 2 supports or 2 tanks of those 3. Most likely two dps counting sojourn, 1 support and 1 tank