Let’s take a look at what we get without purchasing OW2:
What we get if we purchase OW2:
If you already have the original Overwatch, a story mode and updated graphics doesn’t really seem like something worth $60 (that’s even if you like the skins, or care about Lore). I understand if it’s made to meet a profit margin (since Blizzard still is a business after all) but why market the game as if it was an entirely new game (most people who own the original already get +60% of the content without purchase) so unless there’s something else I’m missing, I don’t see how Blizzard is going to profit largely off of this to the current fanbase.
Where does it say it costs 60$? Where does it say it only adds those 3 things? The game is no where near a release date yet and people already complain about it?
We have no confirmed price tag.
Where did you see $60? The game doesn’t have an announced price point or release date.
And even if it is $60, that’s a fair price to pay for the PvE content, which could be a full game on its own.
I’m not sure if the story mode is as limited as the archives events. The implication is seemingly a full campaign mode.
Guess left for dead 2 was a rippoff for $60 on release since its just an updated version of Left for dead 1
Assuming it is $60:
Well the basic edition of Overwatch was only $40(?).
The COOP/SP content being valued at only $20 seems pretty likely, since I doubt it’s as substantial as they’re trying to make it out to be.
The real question is if players who already own Overwatch will have an “upgrade” deal.
(In which case, All the more reason it should just be called a freaking expansion.)
https ://thegamehaus.com/overwatch/how-much-will-overwatch-2-cost/2020/03/13/#:~:text=Overwatch%202%20will%2C%20however%2C%20have,that%20it%20will%20be%20%2460.00
Remove space for full link, some reason I can’t post links
While it’s estimated to be between $30 to $60 (knowing companies it’ll be $60) unless the game is +8 hours long, I feel like it wouldn’t be worth the price (unless you don’t already own Overwatch). I could be wrong though (I would like to be proven wrong) but something tells me I might be right, which would be unfortunate.
I still don’t like the idea of a graphics upgrade/change being behind a paywall… I worry about how that works.
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Until we get an official release date and a product listing from Blizzard, we can only guess at the price.
And why wouldn’t it be? Jeff said there was a full campaign of story missions, plus hero missions which are supposed to be highly replayable.
Look at it this way. You will never have to play PVP ever again. You no longer have to suffer through boring metas that go on for more than half a year.
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That’s the forums in a nutshell lol
https(remove this area)://thegamehaus.com/overwatch/how-much-will-overwatch-2-cost/2020/03/13/#:~:text=Overwatch%202%20will%2C%20however%2C%20have,that%20it%20will%20be%20%2460.00.
For some reason I can’t post links. If this is anything to go by, it could be between $30 to $60, and knowing how most companies operate, it’ll probably be $60 (I could always be wrong though).
Also, I’m not complaining, I’m simply just wondering and asking for feedback.
I’ll never have to deal with unsportsmanlike enemies who excuse their behaviour as “gamer culture”.
I’d pay $60 for that in a heartbeat.
I don’t think we have any confirmation that it’s $60. If leaks from Sony are to be believed, new games on PS5 are going to be $70, and I’m sure that’ll include OW2 if true (despite being $40 on PC, OW was the standard $60 on consoles, so I wouldn’t be shocked if it does go for full retail price)… but those are leaks, not confirmed
That’s literally what I said in the post. I’m taking into consideration that this might be a possibility (and knowing how most companies market their games) it will most likely be $60, but there is always a chance that it could not be a reality.