So, why exactly are golden guns competitive-exclusive?

Meh, I think profiles were and still are more of an issue than “seeing this person played until this set amount of competitive points to get these gold weapons”.

I can’t believe this Jeff guy. Golden Guns are one of the most powerful motivators to get people into competitive play. How can Jeff trust his own thoughts anyway, all the recent OW changes have hurt the game. If he had his own way he would remove golden guns? lol utterly ridiculous.

It’s a symbol that shows you have a lot of experience in competitive. It should remain exclusive to competitive. You want it so bad? Play competitive. Let’s not take out every item that has to be earned. You didn’t earn it, you don’t deserve it. End of.


It just means you did placements lol

Maybe if you had to reach Masters for it then yeah but right now you can just do your placements and get a golden gun every few months. And I think most prefer it that way because comp is donkey poop.


I dunno, I’m pretty indifferent about golden guns, I have some but don’t use them, cuz they look kinda ugly. However I can say about comp. Not a git gud stuff, quite opposite. Comp has more precise matchmaking than QP, so one can play comp with opponents of similar skill without trying to climb or improve.

Because blizzard likes to make mistakes that even indy game companies know to avoid.

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Me too. I don’t play comp often, it makes me tilted and bored of this game. I usually play QPC, QP and some arcade. I don’t like 222 comp, because I can’t switch and in open comp ppl see only dps so I have to play healer, while I can play healer in 222 locked. I would like to play dps competitively, but 15 minutes queue + random smurf/leaver/cheater/newbie/thrower on team greatly demotivates me from doing

You need to give players incentive for playing your game competitively.
it doesn’t matter that a group of randoms who only play QP understand, but you do need incentives.
League offers icons, borders, SKINS exclusively for playing ranked.
Wanna get it? Take your time and win.
Others did.

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I play comp because usually people at least try to play the game properly there. I haven’t played a single game just for those points and even though I have bought about 15 golden guns so far, most of them are so ugly I don’t even equip them.

Except for Zen’s golden balls, those are glorious.

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It’s compensation for playing long matches with bad matchmaking and incredibly bad tank balance. If you won that hell, you deserve a reward

I agree they have this mentality. They are diehards when you mention golden weapons.
I asked some time ago to increase the points, but I received no intelligible answers:

I’ll start playing OQ-only as soon as the Genji nerfs are applied.
The current system only rewards end-of-season rewards. Kinda lame.

that was gone by s3 and not really an actual argument since you didn’t earn them specific to a hero, you could buy whatever guns you wanted on a hero.

They’re not exclusive skins. You get them by PLAYING the game. Exclusives are thing you can only get only or something that is very hard and complicated to get. Playing comp isn’t hard.

Not if you’re bronze silver or gold lmao, you get like none for those ranks.

Coming from someone who doesn’t like comp, I think gold guns are extremely important for competitive.

Lol, I do my placements on my 3rd account and then I forget about the account for the rest of the season. Get 3x diamond rewards. So much time and effort playing placements.


Yep, game should have hero levels and you can’t buy a golden gun for a hero unless your max level with them. Than it would be prestigious, not that you grinded 10 hours on completely different heroes.

Most people hate comp because the environment has no integrity, there is questionable algorithms and winning and losing seem out of your control due to random teammates. It is possibly THE worst experience in all of online gaming…but feel free to show me one worse. The environment allows games to continue with uneven teams? WTF is competitive about that? After 4 years there is no better solution than to just let it play out?

Also adding to the smurf problems, it is easier to de-rank and get gold guns quicker because you will win more games and throw afk or let little brother waste his time bringing your account down again. One of the big reasons why I think gold guns should be removed from comp. The people interested in playing comp for rank will still play it, the nonsense may leave with gold guns.

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Newsflash- No one gives a da*n your gun shines a bit. The games been out for 4 years. Gold guns don’t mean what they meant when the game was new and not everyone had 200 hours in competitive

Unless you get gm in all roles+ oq you aren’t getting one for only placements