So, why exactly are golden guns competitive-exclusive?

What if you only won because MM threw 2 random derankers on the other team?? Did you earn that??

Finally an intelligent opinion here.

i dont understand why people dont open lootboxes anymore… the loot is already fix what you get when you earn the box, this doesnt change so saving boxes for later events doesnt makes any sense

Just play Comp and don’t care about Sr or what rank you are and when you get 3k cp then just don’t play comp anymore , That’s what i did

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The leaver situation in qp is already horrible. If someone is on a losing team and is grinding points, the whole team is just going to leave

Ye, easy to get, still you guys complain about being behind a wall that forces you to play 5 matches.

Got a few for being master

You can get your gold weapon in a few seasons.

That’s the point i don’t get here with people complaining about how hard is to get gold weapons, and how unfair would it be adding ranked skins… when i just bough bastion one for meme.

This is the thing that Dota2 does extremelly well, you have tons of options to customice your fav hero.

Thing is almost everything is behind a paywall there.

Wouldn’t be cool to have a Skin for ball or any other hero you love, that is “hard” to get and not everyone is able to obtain, that rewards your experience/skill with that hero, a full robotic Ball skin, with custom voicelines, skills, fire ball effects etc…

If you are a Mercy main, wouldn’t you love to have that sick skins that is only obtainable when you get X hero level, X achv etc…?

A skin that shows that you mastered your hero, you worked hard for it, and not everyone has it.

Same thing with WoW PvP, where not everyone is able to get 2500 pvp rating and not everyone is able to get that sick PvP recolor skin/tittle/mount etc…

But why open them when the only thing I get are coins. I already have enough of those for the next 10 events without opening any. It just amuses me to see them piling up.
Hopefully they can transfer to Overwatch 2.

Even as a casual player (only 220~ hours of comp out of 2k+ played) I don’t really need the guns to be available. I got a few now and I like them, but I don’t see the big fuzz about it. I feel like rare skins are a bigger flaunt since people make so many accounts.

the point is that they’re trophies, and the alternative way of going about it is separate hero levels akin to something like paladins

I unequip gold guns for competetive so I dont stand out as a target for the enemy to focus and so that my team doesnt think im going be carrying them.

Gold gun = big target on your forehead

Yeah i hope that for you too. I sadly dont have anymore all items, my main got banned permanently due to mass DCs happening on EU servers at january 2019’. Now im switching all my accounts and play all at once so i aint near it anymore and i really dont care. If they dont come to OW2 youll have a lot to do opening them all xd

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What would be the point of Comp if they did this lol

Just play Comp like the rest of us. Deserve and earn those gold guns

Basically this…

And people still complains, seems like they want everything with 0 effort