So... Why Don't we Have Sugar Skulls?

probably - visual clutter after emp

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Then why add it against omnics in uprising?


I agree, I just wish they changed her visual swirls to an actual sugar skull… I been hearing the reason for the dev to change the visual indication to sugar skull I because of visual cluster while playing the game, but of course I disagree.

The best changes they could give to Sombra is a way to help the team to indicate who’s hacked etc.

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Yeah, a lot of people want it, myself included. There shouldn’t be a technical reason why it won’t work aside from maybe having to draw it above a moving/teleporting figure and their name. Loading a mini animation above a character should cause more load but don’t know how much.

I think they just feel it is distracting, honestly. Visual clutter is something many devs try to avoid and having 6 people on the point with sugar skulls above their heads may look more annoying than they want. They want players to ideally be paying attention to enemy’s reloading/movements/etc and make instant judgements on the situation, not looking around floating icons to see the person behind them.

Personally, I would enjoy if we had a visibility slider for it to combat that. Or even a choice. For PVE – I feel like they can allow it there because that whole mode is more of a shooting in the barrel thing. Not nearly the same as Tracer darting through targets in OWL/etc.

Maybe they will add it some day - I feel like many characters need little tweaks and changes. The devs did a visual overhaul before (even buffing hack’s visuals) so it could happen again.

Oh— and as an artist, I have to also throw out that this may all just be because they don’t keep all their artist’s paid and on deck vs the programmers/number changers. Animation changes and adjustments may be a bigger job than they want to invest in so I’d see something like this piggybacking the next big influx of artist projects (future hero release); assuming it is on the dev’s agenda.

They had no issue adding it for uprising even though you could have way more omnics on screen than 6. Strangely enough, visual clutter wasnt an issue back then neither for the devs nor did anyone from the community complain about it.


It should not be a Problem I just made a workshop mode where it works no prob (sadly I could not test it with more players and only bots nobody joined nor did I have any friend that where on that could help me :,( Will test it in the Future tho)

Here is the code if you want to test it yourself: W5PX6

Edit: Video Added
Its 3 Rules, I have no expience in Programming anything before Workshop and in Workshop I made 2 modes (one still WIP) both of with only had really simpel rules.

So from the Programming side of things it should be absulutly no problem other then add a Sombra’s skull image instead of a Skull Icon.


Also doesn’t seem to be a Problem here maybe in a fight it would be a bit more but I doubt that if they make the Skulls not all to big (The same size as the Icon).


I just wish the devs would give the most highly request QoL change for Sombra since her release.


Yea Like 99.9% of Sombra mains on the Forum wanted this since launch but the devs never said anything on the Topic.


Because they dont read forum feedback. You cant tell me that they came up with infinite durations based on suggestions.


It’s been a frequent request, but I would guess there are two main things holding them back:

  1. The lingering skull icon currently means an object is completely disabled, as all hacked NPC omnics/constructs are. (BOB is an exception to many rules, including getting the skull icon when disabled.)

  2. The skull icon and ultimate indicator would likely have to overlap and potentially make the visuals less readable.

Personally I don’t think there would be that much of a readability issue by stacking them. I’ve previously suggested simplifying the ultimate indicator a little and stacking it on top:

There are thousand of awesome art skin concept for every hero already.It just depend on Jeff to which one to release first.Like they said,we don’t like to rush.

Because Omnics don’t care about visual clutter.

We don’t need more visual icon clutter floating above peoples heads. The current way is VERY visible now, enough so people know whos been hacked. It doesn’t take that much “skill” to notice it.

I mean, idk about that since pros still say she requires more communication then hey peers. And there are other ways to give better visuals.
Hack could turn the target purple for example. Like nano or freeze changes the target entirely or dynamite

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Haha nice joke…

You can see the one I made in the workshop if the optimize that Visual clutter should be absolutely no problem.

I’ve rarely played Sombra and even I’ve suggested it.

I made this a couple months ago.

If they’re afraid of a big skull being too much visual clutter they could make something like this. Just imagine the pattern is randomized and maybe a little slower instead of being a looping gif. I know this would make it a lot easier to notice if someone was hacked vs the red swirls that blend in with the enemy highlight color.

At this point I don’t think Blizzard even knows what they’re doing…

Because this would obviously be too OP and make Sombra a must pick.


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I think part of it is that ult status is communicated through hack status. Another part is probably because they don’t want EMP to add a bunch of visual clutter.

I don’t know true those are but they make sense.

I still think they should add them anyway. I think any positives outweigh negatives. And as for ult…I think something like this would work.

lol i’m taking about the player playing uprising not the omnics.
People played that version with all the “visual clutter” on screen even more so than it could be in a regular match as there can be more ominics on screen than 6. Nobody complained.

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