An extra 10 placements per role!
And what purpose would they serve when you can’t switch them on your main when needed?
An extra 10 placements per role!
And what purpose would they serve when you can’t switch them on your main when needed?
Sounds like my idea of hell.
Gonna be 20 minute queues for DPS to begin with. 30 comp matches means 3x the cesspool and toxicity. Just what this game needs.
Another reason to not have forced 2/2/2. Role limits would be much better.
People are so blinded by the good it would do that they don’t even see the mountain of bad lurking behind it
Pros outweigh the cons tbh. And we don’t know exactly how their version of it is going to work, so…
I’m sure the concept of placements will be optimized for 2-2-2/role queue. I doubt 30 placements will actually be a thing. And if it is, just play them, like whatever, dude.
Good … maybe now people will stop being so selfish and stubburn and learn one of the other roles for a change…
that’s a nope
Should I, a tank/healer player, “stop being so selfish and stubborn” when the odd game where no one wants to play DPS shows up?
I am not a DPS player. DPS players are not tank players. They are entirely different roles, requiring entirely different mindsets. Why should someone be a jack of all trades, or play roles they they do not find enjoyable? What is selfish about playing the role one is best at?
This demonizing of DPS players is why toxicity is so high. Rather than simply declaring the game to be a loss with 4 DPS picks but those 4 DPS are really good at what they do, why not give them a chance and simply play the game?
Will they hell. They’ll just feel more entitled to stay in a DPS that isn’t working, while no one else is free to switch.
What would be the point? There’s no practical reason why, it won’t help your main role matches.
One would never “show up” because people think DPS is the most impactful. Everything that happens… happens because the DPS kill everything and it doesn’t work like that. Tanks create space and healers keep everyone alive.
There will never be a time when DPS is never picked first.
Because sometimes the role the team needs is not the role you’re best at. Sometimes you need to broaden your capabilities into other roles in the event they are needed by your team.
Or just lose. Your choice.
The toxicity is so high because there are hundreds of different ways in overwatch to trigger the player
DPS gets demonised the most because a lot of people pick dps ( especially in comp ) and cannot play it. They might have picked mccree and couldn’t hit a dva mech 5m infront of themselves. They might have picked widow and not landed a single headshot.
Nobody trusts randoms to play DPS.
the queue times of course would be same after sometime. Its the same thing as how mmorpg player owned market prices work. Like when dps queues get too long, people who want to play dps would either not play the game much or move on to playing other roles, which in time making the queue times same.
Whether its a good thing or a bad thing idk.
Lol another awful anti 222 thread
Hmm, there are definitely some issues to figure out with the idea of a 2-2-2 queue.
Jeff certainly acknowledged some of these issues in a video interview previously.
He did imply they were going to have to do some work to change the community perception to make a role queue work.
If they do intend to announce one then I am interested in how they are going to solve the issues.
We know DPS would see a massive 15+ minute queue.
We assume if they provide 3 different roles to queue for then we’d get 3 separate SR’s which means potentially 3x the amount of placement games.
How does a flex player fit in here?
We know teams such as 6 stacks are going to want to swap roles between themselves during a game so I assume maybe they need a role swap system.
People are going to probably get a little more toxic to teammates who have SR significantly different to their primary role (ie, supports who hit GM but place Plat as DPS are likely to see increased toxicity, GM players will say they are boosted and plat players will claim they were feeding,etc)
I assume they’d need to slightly change the seasonal
comp rewards.
If they don’t intend to do locked roles then we’ll also have to deal with players queuing for a role and playing another role just to get faster queue times.
I kinda wish they’d release more heroes in the tank and support roles if their going to split us into 3 because right now DPS has a significant amount more options and often the characters the DPS pick limits what supports or tanks can reasonably be played.
in reality if you take out all the smurfs (mainly non dps main account players who has dps accounts in lower elo’s to try their luck) i’d say there are more tank and support mains than dps mains.
What this would do having longer dps queue times in lower brackets would be that these smurfs would eventually have enough waiting in long queues and just play on their mains instead.
It would probably solve the smurfing issue like a lot.
How many people do you see swap now? Usually people just swap to others in their roles anyway, or if it’s going really bad, the tanks or supports might swap to DPS out of frustration. How many times have you seen a DPS swap to a healer or tank out of frustration? For me, I’ve been here since season 2 and seen it maybe 2 dozen times at most.
I’m really not looking forward to 2-2-2. Yes, I would be rid of the 4-5 dps teams I sometimes get, but even those teams are sometimes the right call. If I see one on the enemy team carrying and nobody wants to switch to the primary counter I want the freedom to be able to do that. There are better ways to make people play more healers and tanks.
Is this a thing? If it is who cares? We have been playing this game for 3 years and we all stay around the same rank anyways unless you are all of a sudden a god and made gm.
with nothing but assumptions… jessicka has no idea how they gonna implement 222 but heeeey “lets just spread hate and drama”…
The problem is people are basically saying “good riddance” to “selfish” DPS players and celebrating having their “perfect” comps and ignoring the issues it creates.
It’s just unnecessary role shaming which creates toxicity.